Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cow Killer Alert!

Anyone local recognize this jeep?  It was found abandoned a couple of days ago where North County Rd. crosses Telingua Creek....along with 8 of Dick Cain's longhorns that had been shot.  47,63,45,0,W


  1. guess I will have to come down for a visit sooner than I planned..hope those scoundrels get dealt with...sorry assholes

  2. Dear God, this is the saddest post I've had to read in a long time. I don't know how you'll be able to find or know for sure who did this unspeakable act, but when you find them, please make sure they don't walk the earth for another day.

  3. That is really disturbing. Sorry you all had to deal with the violence and brutality of that act. I really do believe that what goes around comes around. Maybe that guy will find himself permanently lost in the desert. Actually, he's probably lost, wherever he is. Condolences to all.

  4. JW, the jeep may belong to the cow-killers. Perhaps law enforcement should look into it.

  5. local law enforcement has the jeep - unfortunately, Brewster County CSI is pathetic. My posting here and on Facebook is way ahead of their abilities.

  6. That's some sick people, they need to go under the jail.

  7. Sorry low life AH's!! If I had the license number or Vehicle ID # I could trace it for you. But I'm sure Johnny Law has already done that.
    I hope while they are wandering around lost in the dessert a rattle snake bites them, then they get attach by Mexican drug dealers!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I have no idea about anything in that area.

    I don't know how you'll be able to find or know for sure who did this unspeakable act, but when you find them, please make sure they don't walk the earth for another day.

    That comment approved by spirit.

  10. Killing just to be killing. What low lives these people are. These are beautiful animals and deserve their attackers to be caught, tried and convicted of "murder." Well, I guess they would be glad I'm not a Judge.
    I hope they can find these evil people. This is a sad day.

  11. OMFG, my heart went into my throat when I first saw the picture because I thought that was Benita!

  12. and now we know how the American Indian reacted to the white man who butchered his buffalo just for the skin and horns...
    Hope you have more luck than your local CSI figuring out the culprit.

  13. JHC! I am so sorry Hell has come to you little piece of Heaven.

  14. Contact your local SPCA or what ever animal protection groups your county has. It is most likely felony animal cruelty. Some groups have investigators.

    The state probably has an officer in your area that investigates livestock theft might want to contact the DPS and find out who that is.
    There are cattlemen's associations in your area they should be notified

    Most Texas sheriff's departments are incompetent and lazy.

  15. 2 dogs is right, contact ASPCA or even PETA, they wont let it go.

  16. 2 dogs is right, contact ASPCA or even PETA, they wont let it go.

  17. 2 dogs is right, contact ASPCA or even PETA, they wont let it go.

  18. Every garden of Eden has a snake.

  19. Its obscene. Cruelty to animals is indefensible. Hard not to think they were someone's Benita, or at least respected stock.

    Fucking kids.

    Good luck trying to find them John.

  20. John'

    If you need any advice on tactical gear or purchasing night vision equipment, let me know via e-mail. I can get you links to dealers of Gen 3+ mil spec night vision equipment.
    This stuff is legal to own and also can be used for searching for lost hikers etc.

  21. I'd place a call to your local Texas Ranger. He's likely better equipped than the Brewster Co. Sheriff's Dept. Shooting longhorns is also a matter for the local game warden. Longhorns are the Offical Large Mammal of Texas and afforded a protected status. Shooting 8 of them will get the shooter life if the judge is a UT Law School grad! More than likely some drunk a**holes from EL Paso or the Eastern half of Texas. Brewster County is bigger than Connecticut with less than 10k permanent residents. Sheriff's got what? 20 officers to patrol the whole county at any one time?

  22. It might be a stroke of luck that after they did their dastardly deed they couldn't get their vehicle started. Seems like it wouldn't take a Sherlock Holmes to track them down. I hope they get what they deserve, and we all know what that is.

  23. John, any update on the investigation?

  24. That is truly appalling. I have all kinds of suggestions, but I'm sure y'all have run through them all.
    Let 'em die in the sand.

  25. Good to see ya at McCoys this morning.

    Sorry I was a little under the weather,But still got a fight in me.

    I guess the cook off attracts the stupid people us locals try to stay away from for obvious reasons...

    I hope that TEXAS LAW will take these punks "off the grid" and on to a nice little PRISON for a long time.

    You know how I feel about this.
    "Frontier Justice" from here on out.

    Ya know what I'm talking about!!!

    Hey JW,
    I want ya to meet Mr Smith &
    Mr Wesson...
    Mr Colt is on his way with
    Mr Springfield from Ft Davis to visit the ranch.

    take care JW.

    d56 FtDavis

  26. Just glad Benita and family escaped the brutality. People do unspeakable things....

  27. Hard to understand how someone could shoot eight defenseless cows, just for sport. Miserable individuals, indeed. They will get their payback in due time, I have no doubt.
    All the best to you and Benita, and also to Dick and Bonnie Cain.

  28. In the hard times back in the old country, my long ago relations stole some English owned horses to eat. It's sad and it's wrong but I don't begrudge them the flesh. To randomly kill domestic animals for sport is criminal, cruel and reprehensible. I've done some varmint eradication shooting in my day, sure, but to kill a man's cattle for some sick thrill, well; hanging rustlers and murderers is a must.

  29. I hope none were from your little herd. Glad too see Denese and Benita are still kicking.
