Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day...

Got the uprights in place for the north wing door.  Took some extra time because I had to weld a chunk onto the west side piece to make good use of the materials I have left.  The bees were out in full force today with the warm weather.  Put out a bowl of Coke for them to get their junk food sugar fix.  55,76,33,0,B


  1. Happy New Year. I enjoy reading about all that you accomplish.

  2. Geez Louise, you have bees there this time of year? I don't recall seeing one bee this year.

    Really, no hornets around at all. Well hell, now there's something else to worry about.

    Ah hell, it's new years eve, tips one toward you and yours.

  3. Happy New Year JW...may it be a great one :o)

  4. You've had a good year Mr. Wells. May next year prove the same.
    Happy New Yew!!!!

  5. Pink Peruvian flake ? Happy New Year Bubba ! Endeavor to persevere

  6. Happy New Year, John. Thank you for sharing your adventure - for the things you show/teach us and the enjoyment of watching a creative (and hard working) person pursue their passions.

  7. Ah ha! Finely something interesting at the web cam, a longhorn.

  8. Nice work on the door. Looks very robust.

    You are a bee humanitarian, if there IS such a thing, and if it's not oxymoronic.

    A great new year to you, Benita, and all the Field Lab critters, great and small.
