Friday, December 30, 2011

TINY HOMES Simple Shelter

Got back to the grind today....prepped and set the forms for the north wing pour.  Took a ride south for a lunch break and found a nice surprise in the mail - my advance contributor copies of Lloyd Kahn's new book which includes a nice spread on TFL (and 2 pictures of Benita).  Nice to see my friends Keith Levy (The Flying Tortoise) and Maximillian Godino in the book too.  As with all his other books, Lloyd did a fantastic job documenting the tiny house movement.  Nice touch - they include a tiny abbreviated version of the book with each order.  You can order a copy from  57,75,31,0,C


  1. I've never needed a book on tiny homes but that's just me I guess. My place is 12X15 and I'm fine with it.

    Got lots of other storage though, that's what important. :-)

    And it looks to me like that is what you are doing there. Carry on.

  2. Love the tiny houses. Just passed Tiny Texas Houses out around Luling yesterday. Very happy New Year to you and the gals. Don't forget your blackeyed peas!

  3. I'm guessing the field lab to be 16X16 feet. ??

    Is the web cam not working?

  4. Well John...Nice to see "Swamp Girl 2011", again... I liked the other picture better in the pond, in the tube...She is scary with a gun...
    Tiny Homes are fascinating, I may build one to see if I can... Checked out the website...Will keep you posted...
    Happy New Year to you, Benita and all your furry friends...

  5. Nice work on the forms for the next pour. You're just about to get the greenhouse finished out. Well, knowing you, you'll probably never finish tinkering with it! Looking good, though.

    Thanks for the link to Shelter. I bookmarked the link, and can tell that I will eventually buy all their publications. A quality book, and publisher. I still have my copy of "The Last Whole Earth Catalog". The Catalog launched a large wave of back to the land do it yourselfers.
