Saturday, January 14, 2012


Had to repair another blown hose on the solar shower this morning - got a little colder overnight than I thought it would....but we are in a warming trend now - looking at highs in the 80's next week with not so bad overnight lows.  Set up the solar powered pump and transferred 250 gallons from one of the greenhouse tanks to the house tank.   Poured the long section along the NE container and finished up faster than I expected.  Too much day left and not enough beer ( ) so I built and set the form and poured the end section too...a 12 bag day.  46,66,21,0,C


  1. The report says only 2 per day. Surely you had that many.

  2. That is a misprint. The headline
    should read " surprising health
    benefits of 10 beers ". If something is good then a little more surely can't hurt so why not
    make it an even 12 pack ? The
    marvelous thing about beer is it's as good with bacon & eggs in the morning as it is a midnight
    snack.Also a little known fact is that half a beer from the night before with the cigarette
    butt in it is is a cure for intestinal

  3. Good work on the pour. You continue to be an inspiration. And thanks for the beer health benefits. It looks like I have been right all along. I never expected to live this long and it looks like I can attribute it to my beer consumption.

  4. John,
    Why not use a braided metal hose on the shower?

  5. Nice work.
    Thanks for the beer link. Tried to get my wife to read it, but she wasn't going for it...
