Sunday, January 15, 2012

Quantum Sunday


  1. Welcome aboard some people never really get it.I think every thing that is important to our being is invisible an unseen.But God is there,here an in everything that is good.

  2. Thanks for the link. I have to say that it was the best TV I have seen for a long time.
    Trouble is it did not end with the 1 show, I had to watch a couple more and missed the hockey game.

  3. Finally, an explanation for that look on Floppy's mug.......

  4. Thanks John. Great to have this link! - George

  5. Nice looking, and functional step you got there.

    Love the cowgirl boots, and the adult-sized binoculars on Little Luna. What a hoot to be able to call from the FL pay phone!

    Your Euro guests look Euro Cool. Clicked on the link to her food blog, and it is very nice. Definitely bookmarked it.

    Hope all is well down your way.
