Sunday, February 26, 2012

2 Dons...

Two male burros came in to keep Mr. Floppy company today.  Had two visits from Dons as well.  My buddy Don Carr from Telingua and land neighbor Donna Lu from NM.

Built up and almost filled a new compost bin - with layers of old and new cow manure, green hay, and wet cardboard.  Gave the pile a good overall watering.  Hiked another trail for Benita this morning - still no sign but had to make sure the canyon was clear - next big rain and it all washes away..  Found other signs of past life.  65,73,41,0,C


  1. John, you get buzzards down there. Seen any flying high overhead lately?

  2. unfortunately....turkey vulture season hasnt started yet.

  3. Thought I would take time to tell you how much I enjoy reading your versions of life comparisons. Such as the Title of this entry "2 Dons..". Donkeys, Don, and Donna. Your respect for living creatures is gratifying.
    Just a fan, Gene A.

  4. makes me grin to see Floppy has friends too.

  5. Is that a pottery shard amongst the bones? Cool.

  6. Mr. Floppy will never be Bonita but he's cool. Critters are cool. You have a great life.

  7. The world, or a small slice of it, comes to your doorstep.

    I guess you'll be needing that compost soon in the greenhouse. You probably have an endless supply of cow and donkey manure.

    That was a long hike. I bet it's very interesting hiking down that canyon.
