Monday, February 27, 2012


Post office run this morning.  Only 50 postcard sets left - get 'em while you can.  I need to clear these out so from now until they are gone - you get 2 sets for the price of one.  Checked the trail NE of me today - still no sign of Benita.  Topped off the compost bin then started my first bunch of JD seeds. ..beets, royal burgundy beans, summer squash, quinoa, red winter kale, lemon cucumber, bush beans, chile pepper, black beauty squash, broccoli.  Started processing some tomato seeds from the heirloom plants that Dr. Deb gave me last year.
Also took some old squishy remnants (isn't this how it works in nature?) and stuck 'em in some dirt in the bucket where their mother grew.  ...almost forgot - did a 2 year renewal on my NRA memberhip this afternoon. (worth more than a vote in the next election)   64,76,42,0,B


  1. I have over 50 different vegetables to start this season.

  2. How will the vegetables pollinate?

    I guess you will have the bees and other flying insects inside the greenhouse?

  3. I'm curious to see how different the planting season is in west Tx vs central Tx. We've had a great winter garden so far, just harvested the last of our carrots Sunday.

    50 different vegetables! That will be a full plate...pun intended.

  4. When you said you also just threw some tomato seeds in the dirt you reminded of a clip that I love that I think you will get a kick out of:

  5. Agree about the NRA! I'm a Life Member and glad of it. I've been sending "a little bit more" lately.
    @012 Election will be a "turning point" in USA History.

  6. Thanks for renewing your NRA membership

  7. Far be it from me to tell anyone anything so these are just suggestions.Vegetables come on in a wave so you might want to succession plant.Since I don't see enough PV to run a freezer and unless you like pickled everything
    you'll need a good quality pressure
    canner and a solar dehydrator ...or not ?

  8. Good stuff today, John. So happy to see your garden coming on-line soon. Thanks for the link. I enjoyed reading about saving tomato seeds.
    NRA = Freedom.
