Saturday, June 16, 2012


Alpine run late morning....think I finally have enough parts to finish the  new solar oven and extra to get started on two more.  Swung by Bennett Jones' place to say hello and walked away with an ailing blueberry bush to try and nurse back to health. 

Got a message about a week ago that my friend Bill Vogl was heading back to the ranch from San Antonio...and did I need anything.  Asked him to grab me some plants for the greenhouse - something interesting.  He came through big time with a Tropicanna and a Pitcher Plant.  89,99,66,0,B,0


  1. That's one heck of a pitcher plant! Beautiful colors.

    The tropicana almost looks like a canna plant. How are the rest of your crops going?

  2. Good luck with the blueberry bush.

    I see they also brought you a case of Scotch. Score!

    The Tropicana and Pitcher Plant look great. Hope they thrive in your greenhouse.

  3. More and more plants + mister = more water usage...with the current lack of rainfall, what are your projections ?

  4. Not too worried at this enough water on hand to do 50 gallons/day for 160 days. As soon as I decide on how best to pump and store water from the swamp...I'm looking at 100,000 gallons of capacity from only a half inch of rain.

  5. 8000 mentioned that number a few months back. So after all you added, that number has remained static. That's impressive
    under the extreme conditions you have to deal with.

  6. just enough rain so far to keep me in the black
