Sunday, June 17, 2012


Went to Bonnie Cain's Big Bend Tabernacle for church this morning.  Turns out she's a pretty good preacher.  Got a chance to meet a bunch of the Cain clan.  They put on a nice feed after the service.  Walked away with something to think about, a fine to-go package that will feed me for 2 more days, and a new official longhorn mascot.  Dick gave me Old Brown Cow today - she's 15 years old.  Drove a mile out to find her to give her a snack and tell her the news.  91,100,66,0,B,0


  1. Congratulations to both you and Old Brown Cow. I'd say it's a win-win situation!

  2. Old Brown Cow is one lucky cow !!!!

  3. Surely your going to give her a name more befitting a lady of her proud lineage.

  4. Congratulations on the new Field Lab mascot.

  5. Benita will always be #1 in many hearts, including mine, but OBC (perhaps O' Bessie) will be a great #2.

  6. Glad you made it to church and that you got another long horn. She is a proud looking Lady for sure.

  7. that's almost a 2-fer deal since Senora Halderson and OBC are so bonded. congrats. Mr. Cain is a very generous man.

  8. Awwww jeeez, I was kinda hoping TFL would get a "puppy" so we wouldn't have to go through the trauma all over again so soon in a few years. I was secretly rooting for the little sweetheart with the valentine stamped on its forehead from last September, to be honest.

    But I guess it is more fitting to let these older 'horns enjoy a cushy retirement at TFL Resort only after they've dedicated the best years of their lives to harsh desert service - as long as Carl doesn't have any reason to object, that is.

    One thing is certain, though: that Mr. Cain is a big sweetheart with an invisible valentine stamped on his forehead.

    I don't suppose there's any way to staple one of those GPS transmitters onto OBC's ear so she can be tracked on a map?

  9. Congrats on OBC, John! We're really happy for you. I'm sure she was excited to hear that news!!

    Chris Miller - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  10. A good day for you. I'd like to have been at that service. You got another great, iconic longhorn photo.

  11. on Bonnie Cain and CHURCH SERVICE John attended (video, their life)
    click link or copy and Paste, dudes
