Monday, July 2, 2012

everything has its' place...

74,100,71, .11",B,0


  1. looks someway crowded of stuff there inside, dude
    yu cleaned curbside the other day, sometimes one needs to clean non escentials even more as yur greenhouse might end being "too small" . Rain helps, and all animal visitors arround there, means all those depend on yu John . Art of getting rid of un-needed I learned from Lin Yutang, so i admire yur way and understand where yu are in that human path .BEST !

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I know you've mentioned it but I can't find it. .11" off that roof = how many gallons ?

  4. "I will be getting about 2500 gallons per inch of rain off the greenhouse when everything is in place." August 9, 2010

    TFL posts with "rain" label

    Better prepare for more! Soon...

  5. awesome timing on your drops. what happened to the water in the stock tank?

  6. Johnny-boy,

    I am looking into getting a chest freezer and a simple solar array to run said freezer and to power up laptop, cell phones, etc. in case of power outages like the one DC is having because of the Derecho and thought that it would be nice if you 1) listed some of favorite companies/suppliers in one place (they might feel like sending you free stuff) and 2) gave some basic tutorials in written form to us longtime readers since you are an educational institution! ;)

    Just a thought. You've done all the legwork and I could use the tutoring. Of course, it's not like you don't already have fifty other projects going!!

  7. Organizational skills are a plus.

    Rain, also, is a big plus.

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