Tuesday, July 3, 2012

new business in alpine

Lots of afternoon thunderstorm chances this week, so headed north to stock up.  Brewster County is starting the heavy grit paving fiasco of 118... oil and gravel. Tires are gonna take a beating on this road till it gets mashed smooth...not to mention windshields with all those flying rocks.  Kinda makes me think how are we gonna maintain highways when there is no more oil.

My friends Jared and Breezy are just starting up a new business in Alpine.  They are located in the quonset hut bldg on the north side of 90 across from Alco....gearing up for Big Bend Welding, Trailer and Tire Repair.

Home in time to prep and hunker down for thunderstorms the just missed TFL.  Lots of longhorns here and Mr. Floppy brought friends by today.  Found a steely green eyed toad looking for a place to hide by the greenhouse.  75,103,69,T,B,0


  1. Highways when the oil is gone?

    1. Recycle the existing
    2. Build with concrete (some concrete highways are over 70 years old and not overlayed)
    3. Fly our jetplanes (since it will be hundreds of years from now)

    Remember that if we are not fitting a war in the mideast, we can build railroads across the nation in one era, followed by non-stop interstates the next time around.

  2. Love the Couch's Spadefoot Toad shot!


  3. I was just gonna ask "what kindda toad IS that"......thanks Al.

  4. Don't worry...when the oil is gone
    you won't need the highway..you'll be drivin Mr.Floppy...he can go anywhere...maybe next project should be a cart to hook up to Gunga just in case Floppy has other ideas.

  5. those puddles must have been like alarm clocks...
    ... must be impressive spadefeet if they can burrow in that ground...
    2nd gracias, Al
    " When a summer thunderstorm arrives, the male toads emerge from underground and look for pools of rainwater. When they find water, the males produce a mating call that attracts female toads. Because the pools of water may be short-lived, mating occurs the first night after rainfall begins."
    Couch's - vertical pupils

  6. on "Mr. Floppy brought friends by today.."
    LOVE THAT BURRO man ...(I follow him closely through yur blog dude)

  7. When we finally rid ourselves of oil, you'll be flying around on your solar craft since the technology will be so cheap. In fact, there will be dirt cheap delivery services of all supplies one could ever need because fuel costs will not be stopping progress anymore and and the most innovative of new businesses will popup all around us.

    I wouldn't fret my friend.

    Chris Miller
    Our180.com - One Family's Journey To Finding True Happiness

  8. a little follow-up on Couch - another New Yorker who made a mark in the southwest - cool that his namesake came to visit tfl...
    wild to see Darius gazing across time and that he has a Mathew Brady/Levin Corbin connection... and a spadefoot link. Well(s) connected little toad.
    "it's pronounced Coach, my good man."

  9. I'm gonna call this toad a Western Spadefoot, not a Couch's. I've looked at the Wikipedia images, and the Couch is more mottled and thinner. I'm open to dialogue about this...Check out the wikipedia images of both.

  10. You're probably right. The skin looks more like a Western Spadefoot. Same incredible eyes!

  11. Jared and Breezy look like a couple of capable hands. I like their dogs, and their building. Good luck to them.

    I love road work. (just kidding)

    Mr. Floppy has lots of friends. I hope they weren't all looking for a hand-out.

    Great looking toad. He seems a bit too plump and waterlogged to be living in the desert.
