Thursday, August 30, 2012

I got nuthin... what did YOU do today?


  1. Sometimes it is good to have a "nuthin" day. I reworked the raised beds that my grapevines are supposed to be growing in..... waiting on Isaac to bring us rain.

  2. Bet you still had an awesome day.

  3. I put new tires, tubes, and higher/wider handlebars on my mountain bike this evening.

  4. Met with the big boss and spilled my coffee within the first minute...still had a good meeting.

  5. Got off night shift at 6am, at the power company, as in we keep the lights on, slept some, fed all the critters at the farm then headed back to work again.

    Ya know that almost seems like a nuthin' sort of day too, but I know the critters might not agree.

    Hope you enjoyed your nuthin' day!!!

    1. I wrenched my was a nuthin' day, but I wish it had been one that I enjoyed!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Cranked my crank a watt and made some free power!

  8. Same as the day before: I walked up and down between garage and attic, to saw and fit fireproofing plates around my chimney pipe. Plenty rain today:

  9. Very uneventful day except for keeping up with H. Isaac. Enough work to stay busy and now ready for a nice 4 day weekend....and the Blue Moon tonight

  10. Continued to struggle over why some very simple source code worked fine on Monday, failed on Tuesday, dumfounded me on Wednesday, caused discouragement and grief on Thursday, and made me want to find a new line of work on Friday.

  11. I awoke at 3:30am Thursday, read for 4 hours, then ? Not much. Putzed all day. Nice to have a Thursday to putz off.

    Must of been the Blue Moon.

  12. cooked the cosmoline out of a yugo 24/47 stock. Nice straight grain walnut under the gunk. Sanded it down to 320,stained it with minwax mahogany 225. Lookin good ! Tru- oil next (but that's another day)

  13. Nuthin' days are needed from time to time.

    Trying to pass a kidney stone for the last few days and getting stuff ready to pack for a 8-9 day trip to Terlingua.

  14. Began cleaning a weeding where I am going to build my new deck/hoop house. We got corn, squash and cucumbers at 8200ft in the Rocky Mtns. Hoping for year around spinach, lettuce, radishes and kale with new addition.

  15. Worked as usual and checkin the blog to see what John is up to. I got a nuthin weekend planned.

  16. I put the final sanding on my Ultra Van (google it) which I am going to start using next month, right after the paint is dry. My adventure will be traveling the by-ways of America, one day at a time. I hope to have some nuthin days along the way!

  17. Wore a UTSA Roadrunner shirt for College Colors Day. Run 'Em Roadrunners!

  18. had an uneventful commute despite working in the business district adjacent to downtown Tampa (RNC in town); and enjoyed lovely, mild weather despite threats of hurricane-related weather. dodged two bullets=good day.

  19. (Long time reader, first time poster.)

    Discovered the best tacos in the DC area since leaving El Paso 15 years ago. District Taco the joint is called - pure goodness!

    Really enjoy reading your blog and watching you develop TFL from afar.

  20. "Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Autumn comes, and the grass fades away, by itself."

  21. Watching cotton candy cumulus clouds float by in an azure sky from my eagle eye perch on high, outside downtown Houston.

  22. My wife and I fed the birds, I watered the plants in the backyard,cleaned the bird baths( Lots of happy bird here),swept the garage, paid the yard man (I don't smoke so I have a yard man, I think it is a good trade off)played with Zoe our dog, wish I had a video to post...Mmmmm just relized I have a nice life with my wife of 54 years...Think I will go give her a hug...

  23. Mr. W - you are probably back in the groove by now & these may be a little late/
    off topic, but something to look at & something to listen too... was wondering if the "new Grub Shack" exists and do you frequent? Cinch & Tyra?

    Ben says he really got nuttin'... but he has "the stars in the skies..." Carl says he don't know nuttin' bout that. Gunga doesn't need to say nuthin...

    too bad District Taco isn't here or there - sounds tasty - 15 years can alter memory though... Al Pastor, ¡ORALE! fresco es el Rey

    a crafted "Airstream" that would fit in your Airstream: dialed in sensibility


    like Jesus told satan in the wilderness - "הֵילֵל, even when I got nuthin, I got sumthin..."

  24. Had a heart attack attempting to post a comment and protected your rights

  25. I'll nibble how did you protect our rights Fester. You got rid of the gubmint? Locked down the borders? Brought the military home? Paid them what they are worth, speaking of that how do you pay someone for risking his her life? It should be more then the president makes and certainly more then Jamie dimond or any otehr bank ceo. Im rambling sorry. I worked in teh garden, worked online, worked outside burned some yard waste. They love when I do that in the city here in st. pete lol
