Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Business down south this morning...couple of storms just passed me by this afternoon.  Dick Cain reported just over an inch of rain at his place.  Learned an interesting longhorn fact from him today.  When the moon is bright, the cattle will get up around midnight and start traveling and grazing again.  Ben had a close up and personal with Gunga.  Got a package in the mail today...small jar of resolve wound  from my facebook friend and fellow quadruped lover, Melanie Burton have on hand just in case Ben gets a boo boo.  A can and greens and some red hot for dinner tonight.  80,95,67,0,B,0


  1. Looks like Gunga may be more interested in you than Ben. Could be good. Could be bad. Hard to tell!

  2. Like that picture of Gunga & Ben. Maybe you'll have a bunch of visitors tomorrow night....Blue Moon.

  3. I guess Ben will be out hanging with the big boys soon enough.

    Nice looking dinner.
