Wednesday, December 12, 2012

camera prep

Cleaned house for a couple of hours...unpacked the camera gear...charged the battery...worked on Ben's gate a couple of hours...started reading the 323 page manual...have yet to load the software.  This rig has lots of bells and whistles that will take some time to master - like taking the first picture.  52,66,23,0,C, .20   


  1. Lol looks like your little house is shrinking.....your either move into the greenhouse or add another 8X16 wing.

  2. Yeah.. I was thinking he was going to move into one or more of the shipping some point but then he got sidetracked with Ben and Carl.. and all.

  3. That's OK, moving is no fun no matter the size of the move. Best it be put off into the future somewhere. Especially when there are new toys and new playmates (Ben & Carl)to be played with.

  4. Bad Azz Camera, Pretty High Tech! Just put it on auto and start takin pictures.

  5. Many years ago, an architect friend used sliding panels of painted pegboard for his kitchen cabinets. In his River Oaks home in Houston. Saved about two feet of room when opened, looked great and lasted for 50+ years.Just thinking ahead to your someday move.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Some people are into cars. I kind of like getting a new computer but nothing is as fun as figuring out a new camera. Enjoy.

  8. What fun a new camera is! I've had my T3i for a year, now, and I love it. Putting some sweet new glass on the front of it doubles your fun, too. Best of luck with your new camera, John. Looking forward to seeing some of the great new pictures that will come from it.
