Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Built the gate frame...primed and painted and hung.  Latches and wire go on tomorrow.  Got my new camera today. Not even gonna take it out of the box till I clean the house in the morning.  45,61,25,0,C,0   Late Update:  Just saw this on Facebook and thought it worthy to pass along. 


  1. Nice looking gate.

    Glad you got your camera. You're going to love it. I assume you got the kit, with the 18-55mm lens. That's an awfully long zoom lens you got, also. We just got UV filters for our cameras, too. I got a Polarizer for mine, as well. Is that other box a remote control for the camera? You're going to have to tell me more about that, and/or supply a link!

  2. With that camera, that long 75-300mm zoom lens translates into a 45-180mm zoom (in 35mm camera terms) because of the smaller size sensor. Multiply whatever focal length by .6 to get it's true focal length for the smaller sensors in these cameras.

  3. Allen... I think I bought the last one - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008FBMQQC/ref=oh_details_o01_s00_i01

  4. Came across this article on the same website with the story about Dalton. I'll be putting my card in the mail in the morning.
