Monday, December 10, 2012

conceptual art...

The wind kicked in around 2AM and lasted for about an hour last night...advance warning of our cold front.  Hard to sleep when stuff is bangin' around outside.  Figured out in the morning that one of those banging sounds was my unlatched greenhouse door.  Ben had a rather large late night snack of fresh wheat grass.

Hit below freezing for the first time this season.  The greenhouse temperature got down to 38 so the plants got chilled but are OK.  Did an Alpine run for more barn trim.  Picked up some special parts for an art project that has been on my mind for years.  Will unveil the masterpiece around Christmas.  42,62, 31.7,B,0


  1. I drove out on my run last night, Dallas to Stanton. That wind was blasting the whole way out, and back. I ran into snow west of Abilene, all the way into Stanton, and on the return trip as well. Saw two wrecks due to icy bridges. Glad to hear nothing was damaged at your place.

    Antenna Phone...

  2. Is that photo the back of a phone with antenna?

  3. Definitely looks like the back of a phone. But whaddup with the screw?
