Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Born Today

Had a visitor for breakfast
Spent the day out at Whistler ranch.

Denise had a calf today around noon.


  1. I really truly enjoyed this post. Your morning visitor has twisties just like Benita and the same coloring also. Mrs. Cain's kitchen is soulful and that porch looks to be a real meeting place. And that baby... oh!

  2. Looks like pure Heaven to me. What a glorious place.

  3. Stunning pics John - absolutely stunning.

  4. It's so good to see some of the herd stopping by. Denise is a beautiful mom and that baby looks adorable. Love the cross on the side of the hill.

  5. John,
    The ranch house in the photo reminds me of one in a video I watched awhile ago that profiled an older ranching couple living without modern conveniences and getting along just fine. I can't remember their names, but it was in West Texas. I wonder if they're the same people. Sort of what you're doing, except I believe you technologically improvise more.

  6. yup...this is the place where Texas Country Reporter filmed Dick and Bonnie Cain

  7. Wow, those are some fine and beautiful folks, their spirit is wonderful and infectious! That's some fine neighbors to have.
