Saturday, April 13, 2013


Had a pleasant burro visit late yesterday afternoon.  They were very well behaved, even when I put out feed for them.

Headed south to the flea market at H2OtoGO this morning.  Bought a set of flatware for 25 bucks.  Was hoping it was sterling but found out otherwise when I got home with the non-booty.  It is all marked 1847 Rogers Bros. I S  Flair.  A quick search online when I got home told me it is just silver plated. ( The Flair pattern is made of silver plate. As such, its value is not great. The pattern was introduced in 1956 by International Silver ("IS") which now owns the Rogers brand. The "1847" refers to the founding date of Rogers Bros.)   The good news is, small groupings and sets are listed on Ebay for much more than I paid - and I have something substantial (in a nice wooden box) to replace the plastic flatware I've been using and throwing away.  Not the mother load I was hoping for but still a pretty good deal.

A large storm rolled through this afternoon but only got a trickle out of it at TFL including 20 seconds of pea sized hail.  At least it rendered a decent sunset.  65,87,55, .08:,B,0


  1. John

    This just landed in my bloglist:


  2. You never cease to amaze! Your ingenuity is outstanding. I dont know if you call it prepping but you are getting prepared,for sure.
    Carry on,man!

  3. SNL Cold Open: "President Obama" spoofs Gun Control...
