Monday, January 27, 2014

go kart rake

Finished the tractor work on the airfield then gave it a once over with my makeshift rake'o'mobile.

Martin from DTS in Alpine came out this afternoon with my new satellite phone.  Ben approved.  We get a great deal out here on these.  $99 one time set up fee then only $15/month for 300 minutes/month.  The company owns the phone and it has to be returned to them when no longer needed.  37,52,48,0,W  


  1. Wow! That is a good price but I thought your Internet provider would have given you a good deal for bundling both. I guess your sat. phone is more mobile.

  2. The mighty stock panel to the rescue again!

  3. I think the satellite phone fills a void created by no cell service. The DSL used in that area is over a landline twisted pair that allows a hardwired phone simultaneously.
