Sunday, January 26, 2014

the long walk

We celebrated Dick Cain's 72nd birthday today at church.  Over half of his life he lived in darkness,  living in and for a world he thought would provide all he wanted.  He gave his life to Christ just over 30 years ago and has been well rewarded.  Not many people his age have never been to a doctor nor taken a pill...even as much as an aspirin.  His daughter Sheila asked me about a week ago if I could do some photoshop magic to create a picture of Dick with his cowboy hero Tom Mix.  What I came up with was a rather simple but effective gesture that Dick thoroughly appreciated.  Dick Cain is living proof that trusting in God works really well.  May God continue to bless him.

Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.


  1. Tom Mix is sort of related to me. My Grandmother's sister married Jack Mix who was a full cousin of Tom Mix. They both came from the Driftwood area in the Pennsylvania mountains.

  2. Pass on my happy birthday wishes to Dick.

  3. Absolutely, please let Mr. Cain know we wish him a very happy birthday and many many more!

  4. Now that is a wonderful picture. Tell Dick Happy Birthday from Oregon, with many more to follow.

  5. Is Mr Cain a smoker? Sometimes trusting in providence needs a little help from the individual himself.

  6. Dick Cain has not had a cigarette nor a drop of liquor since coming to Christ.
