Monday, March 3, 2014

up in the air

I start my powered paragliding training one month from today.  I haven't even been up in an airplane for 10 years.  Thanks to my buddy Chris Johnson, not only did I get a chance to get up in the air again - he also let me take the controls for awhile in his Cessna 172 on Sunday afternoon.  Appropriately, his plane was built the same year I was born...1959.  It was probably a good idea to get a feel for altitude before my first solo PPG flight.  Nice to be able to see what my airfield looks like from above.  42,57,30,0,W


  1. Is your drive way your landing strip?

  2. The cleared field is my landing "area". PPG's have to land into the wind so a strip is not appropriate since the wind does not always come from the same direction. Landing means gliding in motor off and just a step or two when you meet the ground. Experienced pilots can land on a spot the size of a Frisbee, every time. Launching needs a little more room 10 - 15 running steps into the wind. My field is 200 x 80 yards to give me plenty of room to train on.

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  4. Thanks for answering my question. I know understand what your take off and landing requirements are.

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  6. John, I just found your Blog a week or so ago and I'm trying to catch up, but now that you'll be flying soon, I suppose in the not too distant future we will be seeing something like the Nazca Lines but only down home at the TFL?

  7. I'm probably missing something, but where is Ben & Bud's barn/enclosure?

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