Sunday, March 2, 2014

freedom from religion?

Freedom of religion is an inalienable right that our founders thought important to include in the bill of rights.   A right given to us by our Creator.  They saw fit to include it because God does not force it on us as well.  The progressive agenda seeks to do away with numerous individual rights for the benefit of the collective.  They feel the founding principles are a hindrance to our government as society and culture progress.  In my opinion, society and culture are not progressing at all - rather they are sinking lower and lower (walking after the flesh).  Our nation is happy to accept government intervention in all aspects of life and more than happy that religion is not forced upon the masses (remember - that was God's idea - not government's).  It's time to think carefully about what government wants you to accept, and what they would rather you not.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.    

2 Corinthians 5:For we walk by faith, not by sight 


  1. As always John, your Sunday night posts are like a breath of fresh air.You remind me of another John whose voice cried out from the wilderness " make way the path of the lord.

  2. I always thought religion was a private thing, private in that the government was not to tell you how to believe.
    How you choose to believe is up to you.
    I also thought that things in The Bill Of Rights were there because, in the past a government had tried to force the people to do something that they did not want to do. Like how to believe.

  3. What Rob said.

    The issue is that the Christians are trying to use government to make laws that non Christians do not believe in.

    The "progressive agenda" is trying to make it where its a level field for Christian, Jew, Hindu, ect.

    Freedom of religion will never go away, and the Progressives have 0 issues with that. They just want freedom of ANY religion.

  4. I'm with MrEcho... this country is mine as well... even though I don't believe in your religious views. It would be just as abhorrent to me to abide by your religious beliefs as it would for you to be forced to abide by mine. I respect you John, but I feel that you've lost your compassion for those of us who don't agree. I understand how that can come about... I grew up in Texas. I'd ask that you consider the lessons of that austere landscape. Let what lives live. And love what you can of man.

  5. There are roughly 4,200 religions in the world .Now for me there is only one God.I have a one on one with my maker.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've been following you and the Miller's @ Timeless Ranch for a while now, and thought it time to chime in. Well said Brother! Can't wait to meet you and someday call you neighbor.

  8. Well said, Charlie Roberts and others here. Most Christians are too eager to want to legislate their beliefs. I don't see any other religion attempting that.

  9. J... try any Muslim country. Freedom of Religion contains freedom from religion. I am atheist but strongly support freedom of religion and agree heartily with John.

  10. Douglas - Of course. I was under the impression we were talking about the US. *ANY* religion in *ANY* country that seeks to establish it's beliefs as laws is equally reprehensible.

  11. So, J, we should remove laws against murder ("Thou shalt not kill"), theft ("thou shalt not steal"), perjury ("thou shalt not bear false witness") and any morality based laws? I agree that some laws based on religious teachings alone should not be there but most of these have been overturned or rescinded. I am wondering what laws you think are religion based. Abortion laws perhaps? It is true that many Christians are opposed to abortion on religious grounds but not all. Not even all Catholics (whose church believes that is murder) and I know a number of people who oppose abortion for personal reasons (myself being one of them) but who don't think it should be illegal (as I don't).

  12. You're just being foolish now. In a country that has numerous Christian holy days as official government holidays, and "in God we trust" on our currency, you can't actually believe that there isn't a de facto "State religion."

  13. J, you can't possibly believe there is (a "state religion"). I suspect that you have never been in a country that had a state religion and you possibly do not understand why Freedom of Religion is protected under the First Amendment. You possibly do not understand the history behind it or how some individual states at the beginning of this nation did have official religions. I could be wrong, you might understand these things. In that case, you are simply being argumentative and I won't play along.

  14. Yes, you are wrong on all enumerated accounts.

  15. Very nicely said John. And thank you for having the courage to speak.

  16. Very nicely said John. And thank you for having the courage to speak.
