Monday, September 22, 2014

Mr. Ed

This burro is relatively new at TFL...I call him Mr. Ed.  He has been coming in almost every day for over a month now.  James Lewis (another local burro) came in with Ed today after they had been fighting.  No sign of Mr. Floppy for a couple of months now.  These guys are brutal when they hang out together.  76,91,71,B,0


  1. Hard livin out there for man and beast.

  2. Looks like me back in the 70's after a night on the town...glad those days are long gone

  3. Poor lil guy. Makes me hurt just looking at him.

  4. Survival of the fittest summed up in one picture.

  5. Just remember that human beings are the most dangerous of all. At least that's what the men in Alaska warned me about when I and my two wolves lived alone in my old truck in the wilderness

    among the grizzlies, wolf packs, moose, etc.

  6. Does that not make you "Wilbert"?
