Tuesday, September 23, 2014

muscle memory

Nice cool/calm morning.  Decided to go through all the motions with my flying machine (without actually taking off) to keep up the muscle memory for when I am ready to fly again.  Trying to schedule a long training session in November.  Still starts right up and runs smooth.  Nice thing about my unit requiring 100LL avgas is that it has a very long shelf life.  Got in 2 hours of kiting in this morning and another hour at sunset.  For the first time in all my practice sessions, the wind was light and steady tonight.  Was able to keep the wing up and stable (without have to run around) for minutes at a time instead of just seconds.

Starting another cleaning binge for the greenhouse and grounds.  No visits from the press coming up - I'm just tired of looking at all the mess.  82,89,63,0,B


  1. my suggestion to you;


  2. There were 2 tagged great whites camped off the beach here this summer. Didn't get in the water lobster diving...I figure muscle memory will only get you so far...

  3. Nice, I think cooler weather brings more stable air.
