Friday, November 28, 2014

DIY wood stove 5

As per the Silvius suggestion...I revised my "hot plate".  For those not welder savvy - the red arrows on top are welding magnets.  55,70,32,0,B


  1. all you need now is cold weather

  2. That's it, that should heat a skillet a bit better. Michael

  3. Been farm welding my whole life but don't know what "welding magnets" are.

  4. Thought it was a way for you to keep track of which way was the top of the stove!

  5. Ever try welding close to one of those magnets? You can watch the arc pulling around.

  6. What do you use the magnets for? What is their purpose? Definitely not a welder LOL

  7. when you're not welding you can use those to keep the phone book stuck to you're refrigerator door

  8. I just bought a ton of welding magnets from Harbor Freight. Think I'm getting a welding cart and 4 ft. x 6 ft. Fiberglass Welding Blanket from Harbor for my birthday December 3rd. I like your project. When you get it finished, are you planning or painting it with some kind of high temperature black Rustoleum? I own a $1.99 Dry Cleaner and use it on my steam pipes in the boiler room. It actually works better than I thought.

  9. Kevin: Spray-on stove paints though rated for 2300 degrees don't always hold up and tend to flake off specially around the flue collar where it gets really hot. Stove black is what you'd want to use. It is available in a squirt bottle or a paste you rub on.

  10. Thanks M. Silvius, stove polish, will give it a try.
