Monday, January 5, 2015


Had a followup visit with Dr. Lueke in Fort Davis today.  Wound is healing.  Looked pretty nasty when he unwrapped me, but looked good after the nurse gave my ankle its' first bath in a month.  Off the codeine now - just tylenol at bedtime, a weeks worth of antibiotics for good measure, and Dr. Cunningham's bone cocktail...vitamin D-3, vitamin C, and calcium citrate.  40,55,28,0,B


  1. Glad you had a good day and everything is O.K.

  2. Are you sitting in a wheelbarrow? LOL I had to ask! I'm glad things are going well.

  3. "The Field Lab" has been included in our Sites To See #427. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  4. I am surprised that your D3 needs supplementing. Vit D is manufactured by the skin in the presence of sunlight. Perhaps you were enough sunscreen to keep that from happening. It's popular right now, though, even for doctors, but they usually check the levels before supplementing. (That said, I don't think that the D3 would hurt you.)

  5. Those are all important vitamins to take for the bones. I try to drink various forms of milk too. A multi-vitamin is good too. I don't know how much all that helps. I take some other various things now and then too. One very young geriatric doctor told me years ago that all the health things don't matter because it is all in the genes. But it doesn't hurt to work on health issues. Exercise helps the bones too, like lifting weights (not overdoing). Some years ago Weight Warchers said we could lift cans of food or jugs,etc. around the house too and use them as weights.

  6. Very happy that your medical travels have shortened. Fort Davis is a good deal closer than Odessa, plus a lovely drive. One resolution i made this year (and i haven't done those in years!) is to resume taking vitamins. Winter time keeps us all inside more than outside, plus a lot less sun. And being as i enjoy an adult beverage now and then, B12 for good measure. Continued healthy healing to you.

  7. Try and move your toes as much as you can, until you are weight bearing again. Mine got stiff and is the main thing giving me problems almost 9 months after my tib/fib ORIF surgery.

  8. Ever try to get a new MoBo during the holidays ? Old socket A board finally gave it up. I had to have my first full cast cut off after about 7 weeks because it smelled like week old road kill.Back side was glued to my leg,had to pour a bottle of peroxide down in it to soften it up and pry it off. Was totally rank inside, looked like a shower wall had not been cleaned for a couple of years.I guess from the .75 cal hole in my leg draining.My wife finally solved the mystery of where her knitting needles and all the wire hangers were hiding out.So, it's looking good and you're able to manage I'll leave you with this . Pre teaparty Doc and crew would sing this to me every time I left the office. It makes perfect sense if you know the history.We go way back, even before the 73 240Z swimming (sinking)

  9. Happy to hear that your leg is healing up John. I love the picture of 'the boys' with their alfalfa! :D
