Tuesday, January 6, 2015


One month since my crash and the statements are rolling in from my insurance company.  So far my helicopter ride plus my first 5 days in the hospital is just over $100,000.  54,67,33,0,C


  1. and you said you picked Texas cuz it was going to be cheap to live there..


    just kidding!

  2. regular folks can't afford to get hurt


  3. Regular folks need insurance, even the "Bronze" version for situations like this.

  4. And you think that's expensive, just wait til its free.

  5. i'm just going to assume (hope) this is the preliminary statement and that you don't pay a thing until these charges have gone through your insurance (maybe a time or two).

  6. Better take out the one year warranty if they offer it. :)

  7. well.. like they say - the US has the best healthcare system - in the world!

    and if you have the money - they have the time!

  8. How long were you in the OR, if you don't mind me asking. Seems that $18K is excessive for the OR.

  9. The insurance will pay 1/3 to 1/2 of most charges and deny some of the others. I would expect John's maximum out of pocket for 2014 will be $3-$4k but he might be incurring another set of deductibles for 2015. Since the helicopter ride is another insurance policy, it may have it's own deductible.

  10. I had 2 surgeries - the first was 4 hours and the second was 2 hours. My out of pocket for this bill is $1800. The $65 I payed for flight insurance covers me for the ride, but they will try to get as much as they can out of BCBS.

  11. 6 grand for a cat scan, give me a break

  12. How much does a CT scan cost? $930 or $8010? maybe $267?


  13. Listen to Terry Gross' interview of Steven Brill, the author of "America's Bitter Pill", about healthcare costs in this country. Interestingly, he blames Big Pharma and device makers more than insurance companies for this mess.

  14. The best charge on there is $18,000 for the operating. So I guess my uncle was not so dumb after all to be a surgeon sitting in his million dollar home in Shaker Heights Cleveland. There were so many medical doctors in my family that of course the medical profession was just fine. :-)

  15. http://itmakessenseblog.com/files/2011/01/Obamacare-cartoon.jpg

  16. Actually been a problem since long before this POTUS.

    When Texans get Ted Cruz to stand up and say he opposes EMTALA - we'll be getting to the truth of the matter.

    Johns insurance is paying for those who don't have insurance. Simple as that and as I said, been going on since EMTALA was signed into law by Mr. Reagan.

  17. I am glad your out-of-pocket expenses are not anywhere near the billed amount.

    Just think how many more acres you would be able to add to your compound if you had the 100 grand to spare.

  18. Pray you never go through cancer treatments...you could be looking at 5-10 times that bill... What gets me is if someone does not have insurance and pays cash for their CT scan (where I live) the cash paying customer gets it for half the price that my insurance company is charged.... (I live in Austin Texas)...

  19. closer to 10 grand than a million..eh ?

  20. almost $2000 worth of drugs. Feeling good :)

  21. Hospital here in Fort Worth area (Huguley) offers cash patients CAT scans and MRIs for about $300. I had to get a full chest series when I got life insurance. It was $75 for 5 X-Rays.
