Friday, October 9, 2015




  1. I just read that they can make some mighty fine sausage

  2. Well, you can't kill him now that he has a name. He has such a kind look in his eyes and he is so submissive with his tail between his legs. People keep pigs as pets and even ride them in their car and keep them in the house. They sell them here for pets. I held a pigmy baby pig and it was quiet and heavy.

  3. Javier is a mighty fine looking specimen of collared peccary! I bet Javier would make some excellent sausage - because he looks like he has been extremely well fed - with Mr. Wells cattle feed.

  4. Here's some info from Texas Parks and Wildlife:

  5. Smart animal! He's learned that he can't get cattle feed at night, so he's coming around in the daytime when it's being left out in the open!

  6. John, I realize this is a little off topic, but due to the fact Bevo is very ill, I'm thinking this could be Ben's chance to step into the limelight. With his gentle manner, I believe he'd make an amazing mascot for Texas. Of course, you'd need to travel with him. We all wish Bevo the best and hope that he is back on the job soon. But in the meantime......just sayin'.

  7. He's not chewing up your walls. As long as he is good natured, he might be a good pet. He is pretty.
