Saturday, December 17, 2016

Goal Tending...

Something I have shared with visitors is my long term goal of setting up a camp on my property out in the Solitario with the Airstream.  I bought the 20 acres about 5 years ago only because it was dirt cheap.  The problem with it is that it takes quite a bit of time to get there - I have only been out there 3 times.  I drove out today taking the normal route - an hour of the trip is on back country dirt roads.  I ventured out so I could mark the other 3 corners of the property (I found a section corner already marked the last time I went out there).  I also marked what perhaps someday will be the center of an airfield.  Part of the plan is to doze a 400' circle in the center for a landing zone.  
There is an alternate route that is shorter and doesn't quite take as long but there are 2 creek crossings and the roads are horrible.
The ultimate plan plan is to just fly there with the paramotor.  At 6.61 miles away line of sight, it would only take about 15 minutes to get there by air.  61,83,60,0,W


  1. Sounds like perfect rugged hiking trail possibilities to me...

  2. I did enough hiking yesterday to suit me for awhile. 3 hours marking 4 spots on my property and 8 spots on a friends property.

  3. Just curious... What is the section, block, and tract of the 20 acres?

  4. Here is a challenge to you Jon P - it is 7.1 miles north of you and just a hair west. Can you find it on Google Earth?

  5. Someone said Donald Trump has property out there. Does anyone know where it is?

  6. Donald Trump does not own property out here...

  7. John,

    Glad you have a spot where you can get away from it all.


