Friday, December 16, 2016

Help Wanted...Goat Herder

May have just happened upon a part time gig.  Ran into my old friend John Stolt and he took me out to see Goat Town - his goat raising enterprise just south of me.  Since he is based in Houston, he needs someone local to kinda keep an eye on the herd...I am local and I like goats.  He also has two llamas with the goats.  We shall see how it pans out - have yet to work out the details.  From what I understand, goat herding is a noble profession.  68,84,38,0,B  


  1. Could be a great job. Maybe you could take Ben along! ;-)

  2. Might investigate coralling some domesticated burros in there to discourage coyotes, unless the lamas serve that purpose
    I don't know if burros deter mountain lions or not.

  3. Excellent idea! And those are very nice looking goats. Stay war...fronts coming.

  4. Once upon a time there was a lonely goatherd...(yoddeling)...hoddelee..hoddeloou..

  5. Being there when it's time and helping birth baby goats isn't as fun as it sounds.

  6. Gosh, if I were not so old I would jump at the chance. Right up my alley. Go for it. I really hope it works out. David was a shepherd. It is a noble profession.

  7. Yippie yi ooh
    Yippie yi yay
    Goat herders in the sky
