Thursday, February 16, 2017

entropy and the nature of my tiny universe...

How does this keep happening?  57,65,34,0,B


  1. Well, that is just someone on the go. Not to sweat the small stuff. Life is too short.

  2. "Stuff" expands to meet the amount of space available.......

  3. (handwaving in the air) I know, I on me!!!! the answer is: By not putting things back in their place

  4. Maybe its time to move into one of the shipping containers or at least make you a separate office. But then if you are like me, then you would just have two areas to wonder how they got into disarray and wonder where that thing you just had your hands on and laid down how it magically grew legs and hid.

  5. … it looks like a moviemakers pad… groovy - like "Close Encounters" coming thru the windows…
    a little movie-ness
    Kuleshov effect
    Hitchcock's effect/dolly zoom
    fancier video

  6. Manifestation of natural man, when left to his own devices.

  7. I can relate... Anytime I need anything out of a cabinet or my garage I risk an avalanche that I might not be able to crawl out from.

  8. Just clean up the mess the day it appears - and the accumulations will not have an opportunity to grow to massive proportions shown in the photographs. ----------- John has photographed this issue several times - but beats me why? Maybe this occurs because he has too many kitchen & dining things - to get dirty?

  9. Just clean up the mess the day it appears - and the accumulations will not have an opportunity to grow to massive proportions shown in the photographs. ----------- John has photographed this issue several times - but beats me why? Maybe this occurs because he has too many kitchen & dining things - to get dirty?

  10. I apologize for posting two identical posts. My new Apple computer is very powerful - and I do not have it fully broken in - but am working on correcting this issue.

  11. Workable Headquarters, John. Looks fine, Wish I could do better, all a clutter.

  12. Apathy, procrastination, a lack of indoor plumbing and no mother to browbeat you out of the first two.

  13. looks like a 'thumbs up' from a fellow cameraman… he even sports similar glasses…
    think he said his name was Oscar something…
    tfl, the movie

  14. When you figure it out, let me know. Question: do I really need all that stuff? Yep. Now if I can only find my mouse...

  15. Just looks like a typical man cave to me. You are not alone John.
