Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Was really hoping for a gusher yesterday afternoon.  Even had my GoPro set up down in the canyon to catch the flash.  Nice big red blob on the doppler radar was heading right for me out of the north and then it wimped out.  Storms come and go pretty quickly out here.  89,92,54,0,B


  1. So, you have your own swimming pool when it fills with water. I would like to see that. Would be nice to cement in.

  2. I tried that years ago and it worked for awhile but ultimately it failed...too expensive to do right based on the amount of water that flows through here after a heavy rain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1yH9qOy6fE

  3. John, could you get a portable pool like the ones Sears ships? Maybe Walmart has some. It would have to be in the shade or you will have a hot tub or a bathtub. Maybe you do not care for the water that much and you can go to Balmorhea sometimes. There are metal bathtubs too like the old timers used from a hardware store that you could soak sore muscles in.

  4. McCoy's in Alpine has some large galvanized steel tanks; about twelve feet in diameter, I believe. I am trying to decide
    whether to get one or construct aboveground with stones and concrete.

  5. Some interesting literature out there about water harvesting, especially about Zephaniah Phiri Maseko in Zimbabwe (the Water Harvester, and The Man Who Farms Water, etc), about how to slow the flow way upstream with small flow-thru damming made of natural materials, so water disperses naturally and prevents the more destructive and eroding rush downstream, and how it can improve property, flora, etc. Some places allow it as long as you are not backing up water with solid dams...others, like an oft-cited Oregonian who was supposedly jailed, don't understand or allow it. Something I'd like to explore at some point on a small scale over years.
