Wednesday, April 19, 2017

what is it?



  1. Gotta be the endoscope you were talking about.

  2. Does this instrument involve lubricant and a statement such as "You are going to begin to feel some pressure"... ?

  3. Talking about small things and Greek, I learned I am 5% Italian/Greek from DNA. Today I found the cousin online on my mother's, father's side who is Italian/Greek from the 1800's and learned his 3 Italian names from North of Rome and North of Pisa. In fact I might have met him or his Italian relative (very nice) from Detroit a few years ago who bought a house in Marietta, Ohio, and showed me a house in Dexter City. He looks like the man in the picture who is my cousin. I wanted to fix up the house with the Trump Association plan. But I could not buy the historical house where my family lived because a woman was yelling something about me with the N. Word (not true) to her Klan nephew, another cousin, who was following me and that is what started me on this DNA quest. Imagine learning all that with DNA.

  4. Lol, Todd. After my good test, I am so old that I do not have to go through anything like that again.

  5. The Wells and Margery Bills show... should make for a good book and subsequent tv series...

    1. A blog in a blog or a book in a book...or should it be in a blog!😊 either way it should be most entertaining

  6. 5.5 mm USB bore-scope to look in on the ants with

  7. Yes. That should be very interesting. Hope it works. ☺️ rj, yes, sometimes I am overly verbal.

  8. Someday I will have a trivia contest based on "The Musings of Margery".

  9. No, please no, John. By the way John, I was watching a show last night on the PBS station about seeds. Then I thought you could have a garden there. They had huge tubers from the Bush people of Africa that only need watering every 3 years. They showed cranberry colored corn from the Indians of Arizona that need no watering in the desert. There are plants you could grow there for food and sale and the sale of the seeds. You could probably figure out more plants like cacti and so forth.

  10. Several years ago I had plants here that grew well but my dogs dug them up so that was it.

  11. We had once had a Weimaraner that liked pick and eat green tomatoes and pears.

  12. Dogs do like veggies and fruits. We had a dog that liked to pick blackberries. She would pull her lips way back and pick them off with her teeth. She also loved pears and we had pear cores all over the yard where she had picked up windfalls. The strangest thing was the watermelon. She would tend the watermelon rinds we threw out turning them over until they became hard and chewy like watermelon jerky. She loved them.

  13. I'm with Joel on the "lookin' at what ants do..." theory.

  14. I have been following this blog for 5 or 6 years and reading comments about 1/2 the time. Tonight I laughed to the point I was crying and my stomach hurt!

  15. Either a pen flashlight or a flashed end of a rivet setter.
