Wednesday, June 28, 2017

just as I suspected...

He has been caught on camera two nights now...also making his way into the greenhouse.  I have a plan for his demise.  Manny shall be avenged.  94,102,70,0,B


  1. Maybe he'd enjoy moving about half way to Alpine?

  2. Manny deserves to be avenged!!

  3. Sam...relocation is not one of the options.

  4. Maybe it was his brother or sister. He does not know any better. He is so pretty and healthy. I agree with Sam. Maybe a trip somewhere else would be good for him. I see these raccoons all over the road during mating season - many of them.

  5. Margery...relocation is not one of the options.

  6. I'm glad to hear there are options. Something tells me John will choose a good one.

  7. If you move him down the road, he will just be after chickens belonging to someone else. That's not nice!

  8. I suspect the option John refers to involves a bullet. Just a guess.

  9. The survivalists on the "Naked & Afraid" television show - claim roasted raccoon is quite tasty?

  10. Ronald, I suppose you are going to tell us it tastes like chicken? I wouldn't be surprised.

  11. I hope John isn't inventing a new enhanced interrogation technique involving solar ovens...

  12. I hate to say it John, but your experience is not unique. The United States is damn near over run with unruly coons. At some point, vigilante justice is all we have left. Not to mention the fact that the coons in many areas are presently being actively incited by an invasive tribal group seeking to justify and encourage their behavior for the furtherance of their own tribal goals against those of the native population.. May you have better luck then the rest of us have had in ridding our lands of these nefarious actors.

  13. AR-15 w/ night scope and excellent cure for miscreants.

  14. "Hate to say it", Todd? Then don't say it. Your cute little post sounds like a racist diatribe. I've been wondering when someone like you would show up.

  15. Raccoons will tear up your electric wiring in addition to killing smaller animals

  16. Ah yes, Coons. I always thought they looked like little burglars - but cute. I always liked that commercial of the half blind woman who lets her pet out to do his business and then calls the kitty (Coon) to come back in the house. And the animal follows her in and she goes to bed and her pet hops up in bed beside her for the night. Reminded me of my own dumb self sometimes and it made me laugh.

  17. The option of skirting conclusions is there.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm thinking John has something in mind like a "raccoon proof" chicken coop (which is much better than my suggestion of relocation). Manny's "revenge" would then be no more chicken carry-out for Rocky Raccoon.

  20. Daniel Boone wore a coonskin hat....hmmmmm.

  21. Relocate it to coon heaven where Manny can peck its eyeballs out.

  22. There are Fox and Cayote out there and they like chicken too. So does a Mountain Lion.

  23. Janet - I do not know if raccoon tastes like chicken - because I have never eaten one. As I indicated - that was what I heard others say. What makes you ask a question like that? Are you an expert on what raccoon tastes like - based on your personal investigations?

  24. A skunk killed 5 of my little chickens and really messed up the rooster. If I could catch it (it hasn't returned) It would be stinking up the after life. Usually when they get a taste for blood they will return.

  25. In AA we learn that when something happens we have to look to see where we were at fault in the situation and how we can correct it. For instance if it were my situation, I would have to say that my part in the situation and where I was as fault was I did not protect my pet well enough and make sure my pet was safe because I built a defective, not safe enough, shelter.

  26. Wild animals follow their instincts which is normal and natural and we have infringed on their area. In Alaska years ago, a person had a pet wolf who had just given birth in her shelter. A mother visited and let her baby go in the shelter to see the wolf and the wolf killed the human baby. Should the wolf be killed. The judge said the wolf was doing what was natural protecting her pup baby. He said the human mother was at fault for not properly watching and caring for her baby and it was the human mothers fault. The judge allowed the wolf to live.

  27. Ronald -- Just my weird sense of humor I guess. I figured since racoons eat so many chickens they could taste like one. Didn't mean to offend you. Just joking about the survival situation.
