Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Finally got everything squared away with Google Adsense and my first payment was deposited into my checking account...$1,147.17.  Up until May, I had only accumulated $44.34 in ad revenue and was still months away from seeing any benefit since monetizing my YouTube channel at the beginning of the year.  I wasn't expecting any money til about October.   They don't pay out until you reach the $100 threshold, but "the bucket" put me over in style with 6,892,562 views for my channel from Jan 1 to June 1.  Unfortunately, 2,043,633 of those views came from shares that did not count toward monetization, resulting in $511 in lost revenue.  In order to be counted, the video must be viewed from a YouTube link where the ads will play and a good number of those shares came from sites that do not present the video correctly (there really isn't anything I can do about that and even un-monetized views help spread the word).  Also, ad revenue is much smaller outside of developed countries.   Another interesting tidbit I have learned is that one can only expect about 10% of subscribers to actually keep coming back for more.  At $0.25 per 1,000 views (this is a general estimate and a number of factors influence this including watch time, ad impressions and click-throughs), I won't see any more payments that big unless I score another viral hit, but at least my channel got a nice jump-start on growth.  And as my channel grows, so will the amount of revenue sharing per views because advertisers pay more if you consistently reach a large audience.  Next payment for who has been watching in June won't be until the 18th of July and is only projected to be about $50.  89,94,72,0,B


  1. If you say so. Complicated. Good for you for learning all this and your efforts. Good for you for your endeavors in your talent and interest. Working out and paying. People who do what they like can succeed.

  2. Bottom line...if you want to make money on YouTube it is like everything else in life. There are no free rides and there is no magic formula for easy income. Only being smart and working hard pay off.

  3. "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"
    (Colossians 3:23)

  4. Cool beans. The guys I see making money are real, use a good narrative and post often.

  5. One thing we blog readers can do is watch the ads on sites that we enjoy. Help out the good content providers like this site.

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