Thursday, August 10, 2017


Been seeing a lot of very uninformed folks adding this graphic to their Facebook profile picture lately.  Seems the latest cry from the bleeding hearts against Trump's tough stance on illegal immigration is how a border wall may effect wildlife refuges.  Unfortunately, a few of these refuges just happen to be along a stretch in east Texas that just happens to be where the absolute most amount of illegal traffic occurs along the entire Mexican/America border (almost 200,000 apprehended in 2016 and DHS estimates that at least that many actually got through without being captured).  Something the bleeding hearts fail to realize is that this isn't just about stopping innocent families crossing the border, looking for a better life.  Aside from the threat of terrorists getting though, it just so happens that Mexico is where we get most of our coke, heroin, meth, and fentanyl.  The cartels have stepped up their game with these commodities to make up for the lack of demand for their low grade marijuana.  And now there is also a huge black market by the drug cartels to smuggle our high potency "legal" marijuana back into Mexico.  As for the construction of a physical barrier that may harm some wildlife...don't blame the government.  Blame the drug dealers and our junkie society.  91,95,76,0,B


  1. I certainly agree with John's comments on stopping drugs from entering the USA - except for one minor item. His calling South Texas - East Texas. Look at a map - South Texas (where most of the drug smuggling takes place) is a long long way east of Terlingua - but East Texas is roughly another 600 miles - further east. And - East Texas does not have any borders with with Mexico. Heck - I grew up in East Texas and we never even heard of the Rio Grande - except in geography classes. But since John is from New York and still learning Texas - we should ignore this one item - in an otherwise first class discussion of the badly needed wall to keep out narcotics.

  2. I am well aware of what parts of Texas are what...even though I am from New York. When referring to "east Texas"...I obviously mean the eastern stretch of the Texas/Mexico border.

  3. LOL. I have to admit, I was a little surprised too being from Port Arthur. But I figured you meant the South Texas border.

  4. Like you said its bleeding heart dems, and live further up north mostly but everywhere where they think this doesn't affect them so they are bitching but it does..drugs are pouring in this country like crazy. My bro-inlaw and I camped around the Cotton Wood area and saw a skiff run back and forth across the Rio Grand for hours. We kept quiet and heads down and it wasn't illegals..there was a truck on the US side and once it was loaded they took off. Needles to say no sleep for for us that night thinking of our demise if they saw us. This happened around 1993 or so...


  5. You want to stop illegal immigration? Make it a felony to employ undocumented workers. Mandatory 10-year prison sentence and $20,000 fine for any employer caught. And it won't cost billions of dollars. A DFW local concrete contractor proudly boasts he places an "order" for workers, and they come across in a van through a lane where the US Border officer is on the take. It's been going on for years. A wall isn't going to stop that.

    You want to stop the flow of dope into the US? Drug treatment programs. Walls won't stop the flow of drugs, unless the the wall penetrates 100 feet into the ground. But the data shows that treatment has the largest impact on reducing the use of Schedule 1 narcotics.

    People are so lost in the divisive rhetoric they aren't thinking clearly. It's just stupid and expensive.

    1. Steve, when people begin their oratory with the use of perjoratives, they are not usually receptive to thoughtful dialog. Good post and I agree that decisive rhetoric statement.

  6. Steve...There are already felony charges and penalties on the books for harboring and employing illegal aliens and that has not slowed the influx one bit. Treatment is all well and good but it has been available for many years and is only taken advantage of by those who want or have to free themselves from addiction. The problem is too many people enjoy drug use and get addicted due to the widespread availability of "Schedule I narcotics". Those who end up destroying their lives and dying never have any intention of getting sober. Will building a wall stop all of it? But it certainly makes more sense than continuing to allow the wide open access that is already there.

  7. A wall would do little to stop the flow of drugs into the United States:
    "well over 95% of the drugs are moving on the water"- Rear Admiral Christopher Tomney is director of Joint Interagency Task Force South for the US Coast Guard.

    If your main purpose is stopping people coming across the border, then fine. Employ more border patrol agents. Their salaries will go back into the US economy and will be an economic stimulus to cities all along the border. If you want to build a secure wall that you can't cut a big hole through with an easily portable oxyacetylene torch, it will be very expensive ($25-50 Billion) and most of the contracts to build it will go to the lowest bidder, ie MEXICAN companies. Mexico will not only not PAY for the wall, they'll get PAID for the wall. Even hardened, secure walls are easily defeated- ever heard of AG DRONES? Many quick, short trips across the wall at a point of the smuggler's choosing, no landing strip needed, carrying significant payloads, maybe scaled up to the point where they can carry a person at a time for a short distance. Put a wall in place and it's a big, dead unchanging immovable asset, while technology and human ingenuity continue to develop and change. And I haven't even mentioned tunnels.

  8. Steve - Our government has driven many businesses to seek alternative sources of labor with their policies. The present requirement of forcing the people to take the mark of the beast to buy, sell, or labor for one another is a huge impediment to free markets. While most liberal people would have you believe that the reason a small business might not provide their Obamacare, it could be that they cannot afford to do so. If we crack down on illegals we had better also end registration with the beast, because we cannot all afford the big government the liberals want.

  9. Hooray, we had a major drug bust today in this county - Meth, Cocaine, Heroin, etc. Kennedy caught, ragtag Kennedy who owned a Marina here. The head sheriff said on t.v. tonight - And for the rest of you out there, we will get you. I was upset with him because we do not know the news out here and he said, Margery, you live in a vacuum. Guess so.

  10. What is "the mark of the beast"?

  11. The mark of the beast is the draconian requirement of the United States government corporation's (USGC) requirement to pay tribute to the (USGC) if you buy, sell or labor (transact) with other revenue producers (Citizens) in the USGC's jurisdiction. The failure to report buying, selling or laboring with or for other revenue producers (Citizens) can be punished with levies, garnishments or imprisonment.

    On the positive side, the forefathers foresaw this problem and placed the words "Liberty" on much of the USGC's legal tender. However the promise of discreetness and liberty in practice is based on the character of those one chooses to transact with.

    The IRS also has minimums and is largely restrained by budgetary requirements in their ability to enforce the will of the beast. So be careful.

    Many liberals get their information from a publication called "The Daily Beast" because they are supportive of growing the beast and interested in the machinations of the beast in its attempt to stomp on the face of humanity.

  12. I just looked at the pictures of the 40 people arrested today in Comal County Texas. I did not know them. Our Canyon Lake community was very happy. I looked at the Sheriff at the press conference and he looked so happy and also warning. The arrested people looked so sat and lost but ultimately they will be helped.

  13. When I opened my big mouth and ranted at the Sheriff about what happens here, he kept walking down the aisle shoving chairs under desks. Maybe he was thinking about the people he was going to soon lock up.

  14. I think WhyR should consider the current use of walls or fences to effectively stop the terrorists from coming into Israel to kill the people of Israel. And their problem is far worse than our American problem! This about like comparing a lion invasion to a sheep invasion. And to their credit - the Israel border system stops most intruders - but our our American borders have been walked over by millions of illegals. . And I suspect there was little talk about tunneling - because there are effective defenses against that. Israel reportedly uses advanced sound detection equipment to warn them of deep tunneling. And those terrorists do not get far past the opening on the Israel side of the fence. As for drones - they can be detected by radar or Border Patrol workers. Of course, there will still be a significant need for boots on the ground. More than we have now!

  15. For Sunday's bible versus may I suggest. Deuteronomy 10:17-19

  16. For Sunday's bible versus may I suggest. Deuteronomy 10:17-19

  17. How many employers of illegals have been convicted and put in jail? Not too many. E-verify is a joke... The Colombians have been bringing drugs into the country for decades and no wall would stop them and this one won't either...

    the 'wall" is simple-minded demagoguery that appeals to those who want to blame someone and get into "us against them" politics.. and use pejoratives like "bleeding hearts", "snowflakes", "liberals", etc.. none of this is useful. Why do we insist on this kind of politics?

    Canada has a guest worker program with severe penalties for employers who hire illegals.

    Canada also treats drug addiction at the source... rather than "fighting drugs" and having it's prisons full of non-violent drug offenders.

    We have more people in prison than any other country in the world - think about that. More than half our people in prison are in prison for non-violent drug offenses.

    Drugs are going to come into the country as long as there is demand for them.. The Oxycontin and Mephedrone problem are domestic drug problems as big or bigger than cocaine and heroine... The problem is people on drugs... not the drugs or how they get here.

    And when I see a true - actual functioning guest worker problem - I might re-think a "wall" but John - you've got 9000 miles of shoreline.. a wall is just going to push the problem somewhere else..

    If we were SERIOUS about the illegal problem - we would DEMAND a TRUE guest worker program - because we NEED the workers.. What OUR PEOPLE should be doing is NOT blaming those who come here to work manual labor jobs for their own lack of education to be able to get jobs - building DRONES .. and other technology that is now being built by the Chinese and in other countries because our own people are opposed to getting a GOOD education... que the same anti-immigration folks who ALSO oppose Common Core education standards.

    We're turning into a country of ignorant cretins and luddites - in the age of the internet!

    Look at a LOT of the stuff that John buys these days - look at where it is being produced... not here! why are more worried about walls than that?

    We're messed up.. and it's us ... not drugs and not illegals.. it's us..

  18. Larry G. ---- Certainly - far too much of the stuff we now purchase is made overseas and our good U.S. manufacturing jobs are now gone! And having worked in that industry for 40 years - it saddens me - to see an Alabama pulp & paper mill - I helped build in the 1970 & 1980 era - being torn down & the equipment exported. And even Brown & Root shut down their Engineering & Construction Division for Pulp & Paper mills. And another great industry is being shuttered - being replaced by imports! And the excessive federal regulations & trade deals the Clintons promoted are a big part of the reason. In case you have not been listening to what President Trump has been advocating - he wants the U.S. to scrap those excessive federal regulations - and unfair (to American Workers) trade deals, bring home the trillions of American dollars setting overseas by lowering the tax on U.S. business from 35 percent (among the highest rate in the world ) to about 15 percent ( similar to the lowest in the world) - WHICH WILL HELP BRING BACK OUR MANUFACTURING JOBS. And those foreign interests wanted Hillary elected (and donated heavily to Hillary & Bill's Foundation) because the Clinton's were supporting the even worse - Trans-Pac. trade treaty - another treaty that would further devastate our American industry. Trump - on the other hand - made his fortune being an American builder and does not need any foreign money to influence his actions. He is is looking out for the interests of the working people of America and will help them MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - by building things here again.

  19. Been checking out the news lately, Mr Mahan? Looks like Dear Leader will have us in another war, because he thinks it will save his threatened administration. A nuclear war.
    Look at his words- when he's not praising Putin for throwing out our diplomats, he's threatening to start a nuclear war, one that would kill millions of our allies.
    By the way, Dear Leader made his fortune by inheriting it and kept it by declaring bankruptcy six times, True believers somehow don't seem to notice this. He's a thieving, conniving carnival barker, which seems to work with some people.

  20. "If my people, which are called by my name,
    shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
    and turn from their wicked ways;
    then will I hear from heaven,
    and will forgive their sin,
    and will heal their land."
    (2 Chronicles 7:14)

  21. "Except the Lord build the house,
    they labour in vain that build it:
    except the Lord keep the city,
    the watchman waketh but in vain."
    (Psalm 127:1)

  22. Sorry, I'm not supporting such ideas with clicks. This site is coming out of my bookmarks.

  23. Ron - we can't make things like we used to - because the rest of the world has industrialized and beats us on labor for THAT KIND of manufacturing. We are now competing in the 21st century and that requires a lot more education and the sad fact is that higher technology things - like drones - go overseas because we have fewer and fewer people who have enough education.. we have the "make American Great" folks actually opposing higher and tougher education standards that are needed if we are going to compete successfully.

    Instead - we want to "make" 20th century stuff and not 21st century "stuff".

    It's our own fault.. we can close the borders but that's not going to help us because then things like the drone that John bought - will no longer be imported or if they are they'll cost far more.

    we are trying to "go back' and we are too lazy to get off our duffs and get educated and work.

    we don't want "illegals" but we won't do the jobs they do.

    and really , if you seriously want to stop illegals - you go after the employers...

    When I see Mr. Trump look into the camera and say - " in addition to the wall - if you are an employer of illegals , we are coming after you".. once he does that.. I'll reconsider.

    until then - he's just demagoguing the issue and gullible folks are sucking it up...

    we talk the talk - but we're not walking the walk.. we need to stop complaining and blaming "bleeding hearts" and get back to doing the thing that DID make America Great and that's our own hard work and commitment to better education .. we cannot compete in the 21st century with 20th century education.. if we are serious - we need to take responsibility and stop blaming others.

  24. Props to you, Larry G., for nuanced, informed, calm comments. Something I can appreciate while finding it difficult to actually do.

  25. It's interesting that you admit, John, that the wall won't stop illegal aliens or drugs, but it "makes more sense than continuing" as we are. I'll have to disagree. The expense of the wall, its effect on wildlife migrations (I wear the "bleeding heart" label proudly!) and perhaps most importantly, it's symbol that America is no longer welcoming to people running from dire circumstances, are much too expensive. A wall will not stop the things you hate. What will stop it is changing what's in your heart. More New Testament, less Old.

    And Steve's point that businesses, and even our President, continue to hire migrants both legal and illegal, is right on. It's a huge part of the problem. If felony laws exist to prevent this, enforce them! Isn't that what you gun folks always say about gun deaths, that we have laws to prevent those so why bother with regulating guns?

    Its is a pleasure to ready Larry G's reasoned response. Thanks Larry.

  26. I believe the wall would end up like most other walls have throughout history, they dont work. A 16th century solution to a 21st century problem. Besides the wildlife issue that John discounts, what about the owners-ranchers along the Rio Grande who would have no access to the river.

  27. I suspect some of these Trump haters live off the Federal dole rather than the old fashioned American way of making a living - by working! Like the ignorant idea that Americans can no longer do the manual labor jobs they did in the prior 200 years. Of course - back then you didn't have a Federal nanny to feed, cloth, furnish a dwelling place, provide free medical care, etc. Back then you worked or you went hungry. Today - America is creating a shameful tremendous national deficit - to be left for our children to pay - because we are spending more on welfare than we ever have - and more than taxpayers can even keep up with.

    And to claim we cannot manufacture things we use - because the foreign workers will work for less pay - demonstrates a profound ignorance of American manufacturing. Look we have lots advantages that determine our overall costs - 1) low priced natural gas, oil, coal, nuclear, and water power - to power our manufacturing plants. 2) We have a great transportation system 3) smart workers (among the best in the world) 4) we know how to control plant emissions and have some of the lowest pollution manufacturing plants on earth ( look at China or India who are still in the dark ages) 4) etc., etc. One major improvement we do need to reestablish American manufacturing is a competitive TAX RATE in the U S A - compared to our competitors. Overseas the tax rate is far lower than the current 35% in the U S A.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Don't tell me Americas can't make drones. That's B.S. Some are made about 40 miles from me. Anyone else making them probably stole the technology from USA. Here is a link for US made drones. I guess that also blows the Americans don't want to work theory. If you really want to explain something - Why did we ever start buying from Communist China. Must have something to do with that New World Order.

  30. Ron, below you see a link with a pie chart that show national government spending for I believe 2015. It shows spending that help people that need help. It's the smallest piece of pie in the budget. I would also like to say I or none of my family has received any of that money. Thanks for looking.

    1. Appreciate the effort you put forth to show statistics, but we seem to be in an age in which the facts are what we want them to be and not what they are.

  31. Walls pfft history and common sense says go over, under, around or through. Drugs ah the forbidden fruit, countries that have legalized everything have seen an amazing decrease in usage, crime and even deaths. The money saved on interdiction and incarceration started going for rehab and quality control of the drugs. Those that willfully fall into the life of a lotus eater well there was never any help/hope for them anyway. Life as a free man is all about freewill and choices. There is no such thing a victim less crime so get them off the books as of yesterday.

  32. Ron I spent 30 years in American Manufacturing. You sir are the one demonstrating profound ignorance of American manufacturing. Yes we in the US have advantages in energy and infrastructure and talent. But labor costs in some industries are far and above the largest cost to manufacture. In 1997 the Mexicans would work for literally 1/10th the cost of non-union workers in Waco Tx. As a result I helped my company move operations to Mexico because they had no choice if they wanted to continue to exist. Their competitors were moving down there and it was either do it too or loose the business. Customers didnt care where the product was manufactured, the cheapest price won.

    By the way, I nor anyone else here I suspect is living off the government tit, that's just more of the Trump demagoguery.

    1. Succinct spot on example...a fact, if you will, of business. Profit.

  33. Oh Ronald, Ronald, Ronald. There you go again, suspecting that because we disagree with Trump, we are "trump haters", "on the dole", "don't work for a living". This is just as bad as a progressive assuming that the intelligence of folks who support Trump is ... suspect. Ahem. Well, this bleeding heart liberal works full time, earns a 6 figure salary, and contributes about 4K per year to charity. And I employ no migrants, legal or otherwise. Put that in your pipe, Ronald - sit back and enjoy.

  34. I would wish to advise any of the opinion that 'zero tolerance' style enforcement of any government policy are political novices at best and closet tyrants at worst. The goal of government policy should always, at best, seek acceptance and/or compliance at the mass market level. Those who suggest otherwise are naive in the complexities of life and the human condition. When good government tells the masses 'x' they must realize that a fully noble and justified 'y' must exist, and a good governance likely should not not interfere. Humanity and its machinations will never be defined by men, it is in other arenas altogether. When a group of men deem themselves all knowing and infallible is often where they ere mightily.

    In short, those proposing the imprisonment of their fellow travelers (felon) for working outside the proscribed government doctrine need check themselves for they are committing folly. Just saying.

    If you are a totalitarian you understand not the human condition.

  35. MountainmanMike: I AGREE WITH YOU!!! BUILD THE DAMN WALL, & make a lot of pathetic, lazy people work. The drug addicts need o get their FREAKING ACT together. No more taking taxes from us working clean people to all these PATHETICS programs with a lot of red tape. SWIM OR DROWN!! Now go & pick your freaking tomatoes yourself!!!!
