Saturday, September 23, 2017

a week of wet...

All stocked up and ready to hunker down for the next week.  Good news is the forecast has lightened up on the total accumulation expected.  That makes my road happy.  86,95,69, .29",B


  1. Question John, I use to use that weather page and have lost it. Would you give me a hint as to the URL to use to find it?

  2. I go to Accu weather for my area. Looks similiar to my weather near San Antonio except a little cooler and possible more rain for you. (I am watching Fox News right now and one of the men said, "You can't see it but inside I'm vomiting." I had to laugh. Well the coming weather means possible more muddy paws (dogs) coming in the house. Joy. And if it really rains hard, the Labs love the muddy pool to roll and splash in. :-)

  3. And then when it rains, the dogs like to come inside and jump on the bed to clean off and sleep. So I keep some old, holy, throw-away bedspreads on it. They also like to wad up the old, holy sheet on my new leather recliner and sleep all over that chair. (My old chewed-up leather recliner is in the yard under the gazebo (just like the Hillbillies which I am). And their nice dog beds? Normally ripped apart (could be some food hidden in there) and scattered around which I have to throw away. And when I cook on my new stove? Well, the dogs are excited and have to wait until I sit down to eat the food and then they have to check to see if there is any good food thrown in the garbage. Everyone says I have beautiful dogs. :-)

  4. -------- Margery ---- I purchased a black cowhide at Sam's - for my 9 year old black lab to sleep on. He uses it a lot and has not tried to eat it!

  5. What Gene Asked... Where did you get the weather page?
    As long as your not stuck in for days or your road washes out I enjoy rain in the desert.

  6. That is the Camel's Hump Station - the closest one to me. My station has been down for a couple of weeks. I need to get a new modem from BBT before I can get it back online.

  7. TY Ron. My dogs are three years plus now so I think they are improving and soon will not have so much puppy behavior. But now I see I have some freckles again from being in the yard with the dogs sometimes. So I have to be careful or aware of sun exposure. I like the sun now and then. My daughter was concerned when she saw my picture and told me to go to the doctor. She called it Melasma. I have always gotten some spots in summer which go away. Some of my dogs could sniff out any clothing I had made from wool-like cashmere. They never bothered leather. I'll check the black cowhide for someday. TY

  8. Do you wear sunscreen John? I wore a straw hat sometimes this summer. I see you have a straw hat.

  9. Thank you John, will try that configured for my area over here by Austin.
