Thursday, January 18, 2018


Now that it is finally warming up again, I am getting ready for the next organizational assault.  This time it is the contents of two shipping containers filled with stuff that has been "put aside".  Just so happens True Value up in Alpine has a sale going on this month so I stocked up on 11 plastic bins to sort stuff into that isn't going to the landfill.  Depending on my culling abilities, I may need more.  When I was checking out I asked the cashier if these were guaranteed to change my life.  She said,"That's pretty much up to you."  42,56,28,0,C


  1. Sounds like the cashier is a wise and learned woman.

  2. We have a rail car for storage and had problems with mice getting into things. The bins with lids really stopped the problem. We keep a lot of stuff in bins and buckets with the screw top lid attachment.

  3. Zole: Actually, it was a bit of a dilemma. I was planning on buying 12 because I like even numbers but they only had 11 of the clear ones in stock. So the question became - do I buy 11 clear ones and one colored one...or do I just by 10 clear ones. Since I will probably have to buy some more before the end of the month (and the end of the sale), I figured 11 clear ones would be OK since I can even the number out later when they get more clear ones in stock.

  4. John, Sounds like we may have a little something in common...perhaps a touch of obsessive/compulsive (dis)order.....

  5. :-) I have to remind myself sometimes not to sweat the small stuff. What difference will it make? And this too will pass. Anyway, not to insult you (or even me), who will notice out there in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the desert. I tell myself will people actually go in and notice. Usually, no.

  6. So I let my giant Weimaraner (Dane?) sleep in my easy chair and sleep on my bed and it works out and I just do not care. (I am going to try a lawn furniture cover over my bed (because the bedspreads get shredded).

  7. Of course your life, John, is spread all over the internet just like my comments to you are. :-o

  8. all has to do with the original grand plan - which didn't include living in a junkyard or construction zone. As for your comments...I don't read any other blogs so what you have to say in the comments is as close as I come - and I always get a kick out of them.

  9. Enjoyed the count "dilemma".. I too can get conflicted ... but I much like the idea of the clear bins... and shelves for them so you don't have to stack them... on each other...

    just took a huge load of "stuff" to the green box.. feels GOOD!
