Wednesday, January 17, 2018

one more cold night...

When you get used to over 300 sunny days per year, a few cold cloudy ones in a row is a real drag (but still nothing like months of freezing in upstate NY).  Looks like things are about to change...Chupa saw his shadow this afternoon.  38,42,28,0,B


  1. Glad the sun is out SOMEWHERE! Single digit here, gonna be above freezing tomorrow. I have to take my truck in a few hours to get work done on it for the big haul up and coming. IF I can get out of the driveway/snow. Set there for over 6 hours, gonna have my Bible to read/study, time flies when I do that. He sure is a pretty bird, Chupa. How's Ben taking the cold weather?

  2. I go against the grain...that is a good sign...the West is the best.

