Monday, November 12, 2018

a monday matinee...


  1. Beautiful. I imagine the bees are happy.

  2. are the yellow flowers like magic mushrooms…? in the old airstrip?
    interesting visitors - hopefully they fed the meters…

  3. Moving emotions as I watch.
    Little bits of beauty living out their lives in a land that provides little.
    As you paused shortly after hovering over the tiny yellow blossoms, then rose to include the mountains in the back ground, you created a picture of beauty. Tiny flowers and majestic mountains.
    All creation has beauty and you display it well with your photography.

  4. Very nice. Good flush of fall yellow with the good late moisture. Should have a beautiful show of color next spring.

  5. just amazing that these precious little flowers are growing happily out in the desert... undisturbed. thank you for the video John.

  6. Only in the Chihuhuan Desert do you see little yellow flowers in November. What a great place when the land gets a decent amount of rain!
