Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Upcoming Project

Getting back into the construction game it seems.  Going to build a small house I designed for a friend of mine in the coming months.  Used the free version of Sketchup to do these renderings.  Overall footprint (roof area) is 572 sq ft.  Enclosed space is 304 sq ft.  45,59,28,0,B


  1. unsolicited observation…
    …need a winder fur the kitchen?? need somewhere to let the fresh baked pies cool… or pass a brewski to the back porchers…

  2. Like it a whole bunch. Wish I had one.

  3. remmij…keep in mind this is a tiny house. The kitchen is 2 feet from the door.

  4. Should get great breeze from the doors. Pretty big house.

  5. How much would that cost and how long to build I wonder?

  6. The BBT - Big Bend Tudor
    this micro McMansion would blend right in down there (and a chance to do some stonework…) - be like DFW/Houston west… kidding Mr. Wells, joshing… ;]

    even at ~2 feet, I think the psychological satisfaction of having a pie (or jumbo cookie) on a sill while still keeping the door closed is worth it - but I know you have to keep clients happy,
    budgets adhered to and pragmatic designers content with the layout… maybe a Dutch/Tejas door as a compromise…?

    btw, the 24chip arrived yesterday - thank you! - very nice piece of silver/casting work, you nailed the detail. Like the heft & top drawer packing & shipping –
    thanks again JW… I'm sure everyone lucky enough to get one will appreciate the craftsmanship and level of detail you put into the project… and heed the chip's message.

    pie on the edge feeling…
    window sill

    poor example with a Raised pork pie on the sill
    recipe - more filling than a basic pecan…

  7. Looks good ,is that bedroom in the north side? Just wondering
