Friday, August 16, 2019

a friday night film


  1. Feels pretty good to finally have the roof finished, and working from 7 - 10 has made my life a lot easier (I am even getting used to waking up at 5AM). The transition flashing and ridge cap are the same material as the roofing and trim but contrast with the roofing due to a slightly different surface texture - depending on the direction of the light and what they are reflecting. Over time they will weather and blend in with the rest of the roofing from any angle of view or lighting conditions. Cool Intro - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Men At Work by The 126ers used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  2. As a desert rat it is understood that early rising and finishing by 10 is a requirement of life if you wish to accomplish anything outdoors. Well done!

  3. Heavens. Putting a roof on a house in the West Texas desert in August. Yes, I bet you do feel good to be finished. And it looks great. Friday night. Have yourself a little celebratory dinner and drink and get a good nights sleep. So do you go to work inside now? Or put up the outside material?

  4. You have an admirable work ethic.

    Even if I knew how to put on a roof (which I don't) I do not think I would be able to do so in the August Texas heat.
