Saturday, August 17, 2019


This guy was about 3 inches long.  I thought it was a hummingbird when he flew by me.  92,98,79,0,B


  1. …was he trying to make a phone call?

  2. can't confirm nor deny, but they may have been larger in the past…
    Hague zoo, 1929

  3. Extremely good picture. Is he an alien? I was just accepted as a member of Birds of Texas on the internet. I recommend that you look them up. Your pictures are so good and I did not see any pictures posted of closeups of birds in your area. There are so many beautiful pictures of birds posted from around TX. There are beautiful birds in my central TX area. But mostly I just whistle to them or feed them and do not have the closeup shots. Ones I send to my daughter are specks on a line and she has to enlarge them. A beautiful Tangier flew right in front of me today (no camera).

  4. Mr. Wells is a hopper whisperer…
