Monday, August 5, 2019

a monday matinee...


  1. I think you did well going two years without a crash. Bummer on your insurance expiring three weeks ago but at least you are handy and can fix almost anything.

    Got a kick out of you kissing the drone :)

  2. Set out to do a drone video of my commute to work each day. Had my first crash since I have been flying the drone over two years. I think a propeller broke mid flight. The drone kept trying to fly as it tumbled 60 feet to the ground. Miraculously, there was no visible damage other than the propeller...the delicate camera gimble was unharmed. Cleaned it up and put on all new propellers and did a short test flight. The only problem I found was that the drone got really hot during the test. Turned out the screen in front of the intake fan was pressed in a bit, stopping the fan from running. Pried it out a bit with a small jewelers screwdriver and it runs fine now. Next couple of test flights will be short and low to make sure there are no other problems. Funny thing DJI crash insurance just expired 3 weeks ago. Cool Intro - Stings by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Action Time by Biz Baz Studio used by permission from the YouTube Audio Library.

  3. The propeller broke! That's what they all say. Don't you know you should never drive while you're flying!

  4. FYI - the drone was flying itself - following my truck in active track mode.

  5. Oh no, like the death of a good friend. Lucky you brought it back. No more insurance available?

  6. (The comments from yesterday were funny).

  7. What’s the maximum speed you can travel that the drone will follow you?
