Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Early Bird

This time of year it is brutally hot and the only way I can get any work done on the casita is by setting an alarm and getting up at 5AM.  I was resisting the notion until I decided it has been so long since I had to get up daily with an alarm...at this point it is a novelty that I am willing to try out for a change.  The goal for now is to be on the job before the sun pokes over the mountain.  93.99.75,0,B


  1. Sure hope that you don't get too hot. Be careful my friend.

  2. Such a beautiful time of day. When I walk my dogs in the San Antonio area at 6:40 am, it is mostly dark, but at 6:50 am, it is suddenly starting to get light. But it still felt humid and warm. It was 101 later in the day by 4 pm and around 82 or less in the early morning. There was a heat index on the Corpus Christi coast of 109 today.

  3. set the wakeup-tone to BQE traffic noise!!

  4. It's so dang hot I can't get up early enough to get much done before I start overheating. It just as hot in FD as it is South County. And, since it gets dark so late, it's hard to get enough sleep...

  5. Hey it's against the retired peoples union bylaws to have an alarm clock with the exception of a rooster.
