Monday, September 14, 2020

Name these pills...

Just had my yearly physical.  As my doctor told me a few years ago..."Mr. Wells, you are at the age where all your youthful indiscretions are coming back to haunt you."  65,71,68, .05",C


  1. I miss my youthful indiscretions.
    I do not trust big pharmacy. The side effects are worse than the original problem

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  4. I am almost 82 and completely healthy. I follow doctors orders. Period. i fought cholesterol meds. with diet and exercise but... So I started a low dose staten and it has worked well for over 25 years. Still low dose and normal. Then... I knew it was coming because my mother did all this, so it is some of my inheritance. Blood pressure. I just started blood pressure meds and am so glad I did. Now it is out of the dangerous, silent killer area and down to more normal. No strokes yet. I find good doctors and that is only between me and my doctor. My mother lived a long life well into the 90's with apparent good health but she choked on a suction tube for bronchitis and died. So far I do not plan to be around when I die. I like life too much.

  5. P.S. My heart tested normal and healthy. And DNA, 23&Me, said I have the the muscle strength of an Olympic athlete. They also said I cannot drink alcohol or do Heroin. What normal person would want to do that? So I cannot be like my mother or father and do drugs all my life. Challenges and adversity.

  6. We are lucky to be able to live life today one day at a time and live through all that troubles us. For this too will pass when we turn to God as our guide.

  7. Those are two of the tree I'm taking; LOL.

  8. Growing old is a privilege denied to many.

  9. Hah. That's it? All he had to say and prescribe? Not bad. Not bad at all. All things considered.

  10. I love trusting YouTube and Google for all my heath and nutrition information (not). That’s just using your noggin.

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  12. Sounds like you found a doc you trust. Good for you! Follow the docs recommendations (after doing a bit of research of your own) and ignore the naysayers without a medical education.
