Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Staying on track...

The tracking circuit that controls my solar panels that follow the sun all day recently bit the dust after almost 6 years of continuous duty in the brutal Terlingua sun.  Just ordered a replacement.  80,83,69,0,B


  1. With a review that like the one you've just given, they ought to send you the stuff for free. As long, of course, that they can post your review.

  2. just saw the website. How do you weatherproof the tracker?

  3. John,
    I can't believe you still had contact info for my friend of 30 years business for the tracker. You must have a great way to search your archives.

  4. Blogger has a search function that anyone can use by typing a key word into the little window at the top left of the home page...and the website URL is on the tracking circuit. The circuit was in a clear plastic housing - the housing was removed for the photo. I ordered a glass housing with the new circuit.
