Tuesday, February 17, 2015

boot cam



kristine barr said...

Man that looks hard. How much longer in the wheel chair?

Gene Adcock said...

You have it planned out, right down to the reacher stick to close the door after you get back into the house. Good Job !!

Rita B. said...

That looks pretty rough especially in this weather. But it looks like you've got a good routine.

Unknown said...

"... Be strong and of a good courage;

be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:

for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."

(Joshua 1:9)

Margery Billd said...

How talented you are. What a neat video and TY for letting us into your world. I bet that fresh air felt good and the peacefulness of the view. A feisty ole codger and the sense of accomplishment. It is always better to go forward rather than backwards isn't it. Well hopefully it won't be too much longer for you--halfway now. I saw a picture today of you embracing baby Ben. He was so sweet and bright eyed. They love you. I wonder if they like you to sit and talk to them.

Dizzy-Dick said...

I bet the boys were glad to see you.

David Holloway said...

Awesome, great video. It is tough to understand the situation of being in a wheel chair unless you have been in a wheel chair. My time on wheels was in an easier place. I admire you for toughing it out on your own so to speak.

Signed my family and I up for Med-Trans this evening. Put off way too long, never know when we may need it.

Thanks as always for the inspiration John, talk to you soon.

God Bless

BigJymn said...

So sorry you are having to go through such a hard time with this. Although I must say; with all the things you have done out their over the years; you could have faced alot more serious injury. I have followed you since the beginnig, and and have always been impressed with your efforts to live the life I wish I could. I'm sorry I could't be there to help you through this; as I know you would help any of us. Praying for your speedy recovery.


Rev.jimmyleebob said...

See you found reverse gear..can you do wheelies yet ?

Living_on_the_Edge said...

Good too see you're back home and that you are on the mend.