Switched gears and dismantled my prototype solar oven to optimize the size. Had to cut down the box and ran out of battery power for the saw. Charged one of the batteries for over an hour and finished the cutting. This tool has worked hard for me over the past year and needs a little extra TLC to do the job now. Replacing the bad decision of sand as insulation with fiberglass - that was one heavy box. Will reassemble the oven tomorrow for a test.
Had two sets of visitors today....first was Aunt Kathy and my buddy Ginny Viles out for some rock hunting - Ginny got her first tour of my estate. Then my new NYC artist friend Robert Buck stopped by. http://www.crggallery.com/artists/robert-buck/ Robert has been out about 4 times this year looking for a patch of desert to call his own. Something about this part of the country really has him hooked. He expects to be back again in January to continue the search for the perfect spot.
1 comment:
I bought/still have the same ryobi set(trio w/light) when they were 14.4v in early 2000s
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