Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday's Lesson

2 Peter 3 (New Living Translation)

7 And God has also commanded that the heavens and the earth will be consumed by fire on the day of judgment, when ungodly people will perish. 8 But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. 9 The Lord isn't really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent. 10 But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and everything in them will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be exposed to judgment. 11 Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, godly lives you should be living! 12 You should look forward to that day and hurry it along -- the day when God will set the heavens on fire and the elements will melt away in the flames. 13 But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God. 14 And so, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen, make every effort to live a pure and blameless life. And be at peace with God. 15 And remember, the Lord is waiting so that people have time to be saved.


John Wells said...

92,99,68,0,B,0 Ben gained 9 lbs in the past week - up to 105 today

Don said...

I have followed your blog for a very long it. I really like the new direction in some of your post......showing your love of God and all He allows you to enjoy in your little spot on earth. When I view your site I see a lot of the little things God has blessed us with as your photos show so much of His handy Work.
your friend in West Texas
Don M Brodie
Big Spring, Texas

gumo said...

Don (in Big Spring) says it better than me. I like your message tonight, too.

Thanks for the Reminder!

d said...

God need not be included, nature is quite enough to appreciate in one lifetime.

Zach said...

You know, I think you're right. 5 billion years from now our sun will cool, expand into a red giant, engulfing the earth in flame.

I'm going to try to chill in the meantime.

mike said...

Bible trumpery, I'm with U d

Leander Linda said...

Oh gee. Is this just going to turn into a religious blog? I'm with D and Mike.

Nita said...

I like it all, especially including the verse. Best thing is its Johns blog & it doesn't matter what any of us think. He can post what he likes. If you open it & see something you don't like close it & visit another day.

everlastingblogstopper said...

While I respect your right to believe and post whatever you want, Biblical postings are going to divide your readership, as it's not why many of us are interested in your goings on.

Kris said...

I, too, agree that John can post anything he wants too. It's his blog. I, however, will not tune in on Sundays anymore.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see this side of you, John. Those who don't don't share your views on biblical teachings and truth are the ones God is waiting on. They are holding things up for tose of us who do believe. If what you share here causes just one to rethink things and be saved, it will be worth losing a few readers, don't you think? Keep posting what YOU feel and want to post. Looking forward to more Sundays!

Unknown said...

excuse the typos was giving me a hard time in posting that, or maybe it was something was my first post to your blog but have been following for years.

DJcracker said...

My God is not a wrathful or a vengeful God. Those are human traits. I do not believe in the biblical hellfire & brimstone threats. Our (my wife & I) life is a loving existence based more on the Gnostic spiritual teachings, than divisive religious scripture. I recommend reading the book: The Laughing Jesus, for more insight into Gnostic spiritual practice.

If I must live by one biblical scripture, it would be this one:

1 John 4:18
New International Version (©1984)
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

J said...

Bye. I've enjoyed several years of following your blog, but I won't wade through religious dogma to do so.

Zole said...

I just want to follow one human attemting to live off the grid and be self sustainable, and if the man wants to thrown in a prayer so be it. It's his right but then I do understand the few who choose not to follow as it is their right also.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy John's blog.

I love God's Word!

I will keep reading both!

Anonymous said...

Today's post is awesome! Stay blessed my friend!

Under The SC Sun said...

It amazes me the people who are offended by people of faith expressing their love and joy.

John Wells is John Wells, all of him is what makes this blog and his endeavors take the form and direction they take.

I for one have been following John's exploits since I first saw the original TCR episode with John Wells being interviewed by Bob Phillips.

As I have a keen interest in retirement to the West Texas area, I will keep following what John Wells posts.

John, all I can say is Amen. Keep doing what you do. Maybe we will meet one future day and maybe I can become a West Texas resident myself in the next few years.

Leander Linda said...

I was following this blog because I was interested in how John was building his home and living out in West Texas where I also have land. If he is now looking for a different kind of audience, that is his choice. I was just dissapointed to be preached to here.

Anonymous said...

what a pop comments eruption today, 20 more by noon, being labour day nothing to do in this extreme heat XXXX but please, admire this postings as is ,quit if an atheist, BigBend and Cain s sermons are apreciated, anachists no god etc better skip bible Class on Sundays (I enjoy) THANKS Cains and John -save me a Sunday trip to Church in this heat- GOD BLESS DUDES xxx

Seldham Scene said...

You go DJcracker...and yes(Leander)- not everyone hopes to find auto parts at the grocery store...I'm just say'n.

Anonymous said...

great stuff john. Ben is getting mighty big. thank you for taking the time to post for us. i know you dont make a ton o cash off the sales from the site. im greatful for your posts. i check daily first thing and then i go onto various news sites, then onto my day. keep up the great work. my mama taught me if i dont have anything nice to say, dont bother saying anything at all. seems to have worked great for me so far. 44 years on this earth. God willing ill have another 44. thanks again john

your friend from Tampa

Unknown said...

John, I've been following your blog for some years and have visited you earlier this year. I too am glad you are expressing this side of yourself. Ignore the haters and keep posting what you feel.

Leander Linda said...

No one is a "hater" just feel bad this whole thing is going in a direction that doesn't interest us.

Anonymous said...

to Leander Linda : Yu probably do not know John in person nor ever been in the BigBend, so yu better LEAVE (not follow) if not interested , to my understanding this Blog has NO direction, it just posts aspects of John life there and life in the Greater BigBEND Nat Park areas . It s not something has any specific purpuse.. it s daily life and thougths of a person that happens to live there, had the courage and the $$$ to do so, off the grid.
VISIT THE BIG BEND mom please !

Leander Linda said...

You don't know me Pablo. I also am a property owner in terlingua. Im no stranger. That is not the point.

Rev.jimmyleebob said...

oooops...Mark 16: 15-18

liteluvr said...

Must be something in the air... our pastor preached this sermon yesterday morning as well.
Thanks for posting!

smreid said...

Back in the day, my grandmother would feed the hobos that would come to her kitchen door. When asked why, she would say that you never knew how Jesus might return to this world and she would not be the one to turn Him away. Sweet.

pw said...

John, your advertising background should serve you well now.

Guy Hodges said...

Excellent scripture John. What we all have to remember is that God created everything. And anything we "have" is His. We're just being allowed to be stewards of it for a while.
Learning the trick of sustainable living is equal to a Phd. in stewardship.

Morgan said...

Hmmmmmm. Well, I can have friends from all walks of life and all different religious backgrounds, so I can read a blog that has different beliefs from my own. However, if one of my friends got pushy and started trying to convert me to their way of thinking, I'd have to regretfully move on. I'll skip the religious posts and hope this blog continues to be; a source of gorgeous photos of a part of the country I am in love with, a source of information on sustainable living, a place i check in to read some good stories and get my Carl fix.

Philip said...

The bible sure makes a lot of people feel hot under the collar.... Great post John, as a GUEST on your blog I am glad to see you express your spirituality, and would never presume to tell you what you should or shouldn't share.

Unknown said...

First time I've ever been moved to comment. I've enjoyed your blog so much and appreciated your generous sharing of your life with us!
I'm more interested now than ever, since you're sharing your faith. Love to see God's word come at folks out of the blue - and marvel at how some scramble violently away from it! Thanks!!

Leander Linda said...

I'm just tired of people pushing their religion in my face. It just happens so often, I have become totally turned off by it. And am now over sensitive I guess. I don't scramble violently. I just want to avoid it. Irritating...Thats all. And didn't expect it to happen here.

Unknown said...

John is sharing his life with us. Since God is now part of his life, he's going to share that with us,too. I would expect nothing less. I want to know about ALL of his life. Everything that he shares should be seen as a gift,just like God's grace. And like any gift, you can accept it gratefully or you can reject it. The choice is yours. God doesn't force anyone into anything. He offers hope and peace. All you have to do is accept it.